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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 45   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 45 It was thereby meant, that Plaintiffs should have the same
Liberty, as heretofore, in entering Judgments, but that where by
Consent or Agreement a Release of Penalty shall be entered the
Sheriff shall not Levy nor Charge Commission on a larger Sum
than the Terms of the Release shall require and in such Case also
the Sheriff shall not be liable in any Action of Escape for a larger
Sum than the Terms of the Release shall require, the Payment
of, and Interest thereon. Adhered to. Adhered to except that the Time for payment of Money
instead of the of April may be extended to the of June. Adhered to. From an Assurance that the Bill would not finally pass,
in regard to the Clergy, on the general Alternative given by it,
this proposition appeared to be expedient in order to prevent any
possible disappointment on this Account. If however instead of
leaving the Clergy altogether out of the Bill, on a Consideration
of the Convenience to Farmers and others who do not make
Tobacco, and effectually to prevent their Oppression, it should be
thought proper to provide that the Clergys Dues may be dis-
charged in the manner directed by the late Inspection Act, or that
the Clergy should be included in the Bill with respect to the
Farmers, and others not making Tobacco, and Subject to the
Regulation of the said Act in that Behalf and with respect to

U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Nov. 26

the Planters be altogether excluded, the Upper House will make
no Objection in any of the above Cases.

The Conferees Adjourn until 5 oClock in the Afternoon

Post Meridiem
The Conferees met according to Adjournment

Present as in the Morning
The Conferees of the Lower House deliver to those of the
Upper House the following.
After what passed between the two Houses at the last Session
of Assembly, and the propositions that were then agreed upon
relative to the Officers Lawyers and Clergy, We did not expect
your Honours would have made Propositions so widely different
at this Session on the same Subject. We are instructed not to
agree to them. We esteem those Points the most material of any
that remain unsettled; and altho we are extremely desirous of
bringing about a Regulation of the Staple, and providing a hand-
some Support for the Officers and Clergy, yet if your Honours still
decline a Conference on the New Table of Fees, which we con-
sider as an Explanation and Correction of the Old Table, and

p. 576

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 45   View pdf image (33K)
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