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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 44   View pdf image (33K)
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44 Assembly Proceedings, October 2— November 30, 1771.

U. H. J.
Liber No. 36

Nov. 26

The Proposition that Inspectors Notes be payable to the
Owner or Bearer. Agreed.
The proposition, that Penalties be in similar Cases as in the
late Act and so Prosecutions and mode of Recovery. Rejected.

p. 574

The Proposition, that Tobacco Inspected under private
Agreement be not a good Tender, and to be Exported in a limited
Time. Agreed.

The 7th proposition, That the Sale of Tobacco be in open Court.


The proposition, about Allowance on Receipts. Agreed.
The and proposition relative to the Clerk of the County
and Magistrates. Agreed.
The Proposition, That Judgments on Bonds be Entered as
the use or practice hath been wants explanation. We take the
Usage to be agreeable to our Clause the Judgments on Bonds are
entered in the Courts of Justice. Penalty released, on Payment of
Principal Interests and Costs.
The 12th proposition, relative to Costs. Rejected.
The 13th proposition, That Gold and Silver be under a similar
Regulation to that of the last paper Money Act. Agreed.
The and Propositions relative to Officers and
Lawyers Fees and the Clergy. Unanimously Rejected.
The and last Proposition. Agreed when a reasonable
Mode can be Settled to ascertain what Fees are now due.
The Conferees Adjourn until to Morrow Morning 11 oClock

Wednesday Morning November 1771.
The Conferees met according to Adjournment

Present as Yesterday except M.r Hammond of the Lower
The Conferees of the Upper House deliver to those of the
Lower House the following. Proposition. This adhered to because it does not appear
that any Inconvenience hath arisen from the former Mode.
2.d Longer Time may be allowed to rechosen Inspectors to give
Notice as they may be allowed to lodge the Notice with the Sheriff's
of their respective Counties, in the Time limited by the Bill, to be
by them forwarded with Convenient Speed to the Clerk of the

p. 575

Council, and if Notice be not so given or lodged the Neglect to be
considered as an actual Refusal.
3.d Adhered to. Adhered to.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 44   View pdf image (33K)
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