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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 43   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 43 The Sale of Tobacco to be in open Court The Allowance on Receipts to be explained, so as clearly to
relate to Cropp'd Tobacco only. The Clerks of the County Courts not to be obliged to any
Attendance but in Court and in their Offices and to be paid for
their Services whether there shall be any profits or not.
10. th Magistrates to be paid for their Attendance on all Occasions. Judgments on Bonds to be Entered up as the use or practice
hath been

U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Nov. 26 The party against whom any Judgment shall pass, and who
shall therein be liable to Costs, to pay what the other party
shall have paid, or shall be liable to pay. Gold and Silver to be under a similar Regulation to that of
the last paper Money Act.

14[.th] The Fees of Officers and Lawyers to be regulated as they
were by the last Inspection Law, saving, that all persons may
discharge them by the of April Yearly in Gold and
Silver according to the Regulation thereof, and if not so
discharged in Money, then Tobacco if the person be a Maker
thereof to be paid. Execution and Time of Payment by the Sheriffs to be, as
provided by the said late Act. The Clergy to be left out of the Bill in all Respects. Provision to be made for the payment of Fees now due.
The Conferees Adjourn until to Morrow Morning 11 oClock

Tuesday Morning of November 1771.
The Conferees met according to Adjournment

Present as Yesterday and M.r Hammond of the Lower House
The Conferees of the Lower House deliver to those of the
Upper House, the following Answers to the Propositions of the
Upper House delivered in Yesterday.
Part of the first proposition, that the Bonds of Inspectors be
put in Suit as heretofore. Rejected. The latter part of said Propo-
sition that Probate of the Execution of the Bond be Recorded
with the Bond. Agreed.
The 2.d proposition, that if Inspectors rechosen neglect to give
Notice such Neglect to be Considered as an actual Refusal. Re-
The 3d Proposition that the inspection be Closed at the Time
fixed by the late Inspection Act. Rejected.

p. 573

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 43   View pdf image (33K)
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