Appendix. 429
Assistants, of which N.o 2 is a true Copy, upon which M.r Justice
Lee informed me that as there were only two Justices on the bench,
they did not choose at that time to grant a Writ, but he was inclined
to believe, that General Writs of Assistants would be granted at the
next Court, agreeable to the form transmitted by your Honors
"Sometime after the Court was over, Moreton dispatched
another Messenger to me at Annapolis, to desire I would make my
escape for Boston immediately, for advertisements were dispersed
and a reward of 100 Dollars was offer'd for taking me, and that
a Mob of People had been searching for me, that they were going
to burn the House down, when she and the Children were in Bed,
but a Gentleman saying it was a pity to hurt her & the innocent
Children, they did not put their Intentions into practice and on the
Night of the of May Instant when the Mob beset the House
again, a Man speaking in Moreton's behalf the Mob took him,
tarred and feathered him and dragged him through the Water."
"On Sunday the 2.d Instant I set oft from Annapolis to Baltimore
and got home about 2 OClock in the Morning, and as Watches had
been about the House all that Night and the People saying they
were determined to have my Life, Moreton could not rest till
I went oft to the House of ————— when I got there, I desired
him to let his Servant go to Town for some necessaries I wanted,
and when he got there saw about a hundred Merchants seeking for
me at my House, Moreton thereupon without sending the
things I wanted, sent me word to make my escape or I should be
taken and some time afterwards he was overtaken by a number of
Armed Men who asked him if he had seen me and other Questions
which will not be prudent in me to relate as they may probably dis-
cover the person and be a means of perhaps losing his Life,—I im-
mediately went across a Creek of Water and went through the Woods
to the House of ————— where I was concealed by his friendship
for a Week, during which space he went twice to Town to enquire
whether it might be safe for me to return to my Duty, but from the
Enquiry he made, and the Letters I received from home of which
N.° 3 & 4 are Extracts I found if I returned, my Life would be
in Eminent danger M.r ————— having also received the Letter
N.° 5 from a friend of his near where I was concealed intimating
the danger which might ensue to himself in permitting me to be
concealed at his House I therefore judged it most prudent to sett
oft immediately for Boston to state the Matters to your Honors,
and as it was dangerous for me to go the publick road a reward
being offered for apprehending me. M.r —————— &.c took me 16
Miles by Water, and set me on the Eastern Shore from whence I
travelled to Newcastle on Delaware where I got a passage to Phila-
delphia and from thence proceeded to Boston."