428 Appendix.
Salt, I boarded her again, when I found she had unladen part of her
Cargo into a Schow and a smaller Schooner which were then along
side her, the Schooner having several Casks of Claret on her Deck,
I immediately enquired whether the Captain of the Speedwell was
on board, I was answered yes, and immediately Captain Parker was
called upon Deck, I asked him how he came to break bulk before
Entry notwithstanding my Directions to the contrary when I was
on Board in the Morning and told him he had forfeited the Vessel
&. Cargo, which he acknowledged, and said he should not have acted
in the manner he had done, but have paid all proper respect, had
not M.r Purviance (to whom the Vessel & Cargo was consigned)
desired him to act in defiance of me, whereupon I made Seizure of
her, but a number of People coming oft in Boats from the Shore,
I was obliged to leave her, without any person to take charge of her,
as the Men I had with me did not choose to risk their Lives as I did
not employ them constantly—On the 28.th (the 27.th being a very
stormy day) I hired a Sailing Boat and Men to take me to An-
napolis to file a Libel against the Sloop Speedwell and Cargo, and
upon my Arrival, I waited upon M.r Calvert and the Attorney
General for that purpose and accordingly a Libel was filed against
the said Sloop."
"On the return of the Boat on the 30.th a great number of Mer-
chants and Masters of Vessels came down to the Boat with Clubs
and Staves with intention to kill me, if I had been in her, and on
that Night Tarred and feathered two Men, who used occa-
sionally to attend me in the Boat, and brought them to my
Door with lights in their hands and made them damn all Custom
House Officers, and at the same time the Mob broke my Door down
broke the Windows and forced M.rs Moreton to light them all over
the House and Cellar to see if they could find me, and Searched
every House for me upon the Point (their faces being black'd and
disguised in Sailors Jackets and Trousers, though most of them were
the Principal Merchants in Baltimore and Fells Point) when they
could not find me, they beat a Drum and played a Fife up to Town,
beating the Men all the way there, and pumped upon one John
Simmons and kept him out about eight hours till he was almost
dead, the other they made fast to the stern of a Boat and towed him
along till he was nearly drowned (One of whom I am informed is
since dead)—On Friday the 30.th April M.rs Moreton dispatched a
Letter to me by a Messenger to Annapolis of which N.° 1 is an
Extract—Upon the Receipt thereof in the Evening of the same day
I waited upon the Governor, acquainting him therewith, and praying
his Protection and Support, who gave me a Letter addressed to
M.r Plowman a Merchant and a Justice of the Peace at Baltimore —
I also on the first Instant made application by Letter to the Justices
of the Supreme Court at Annapolis for to grant me a Writ of