43° Appendix,
N° 1
Extract of a Letter from Mrs Moreton dated 30.th April 1773
"————— tells me that all the People conspire to kill you, if
you come either by Land or by Water, they have set watches for you
both ways, and prepared Rum to Smuther you in, and Cow Skins to
beat you with, so the Lord only knows what must become of us,
I fear greatly I never shall see you more"
N.° 2.
As many Threats have been made use of by the People of Balti-
more Town and Fells Point, not only against my Person, but against
my House on Account of my having Executed my Duty as an Officer
of the Revenue—I am to request that your Honors will be pleased
to grant me a Writ of Assistants
I am with great Respect Y.r
Annapolis 1.st May 1773 Signed Robert Moreton
The Honorable the Justices of the Supreme Court at Annapolis
N." 3-
Extract of a Letter from Mrs Moreton dated 4th May 1773
"I am almost worn out with Grief, these wicked People have
frightened me so, I believe they have Searched the House for you,
five or six times, they came up Stairs yesterday to look for you,
before I could get my Cloaths on, I looked out of the Window, and
there was a Crowd at the Door of about sixty People, as if they
had been after a Murderer, I asked for M.r Plowman and they sent
him to me, I gave him the Letter (meaning the Letter the Governor
wrote) and he went to the Coffee House to read it, and afterwards
brought a great number of them up to me, to tell me you might
come home again, but they still keep looking for you, and coming
to search whenever they please, and I am never out of fear of my
Life, and when the Marshal came, they made him come here with
them to see if he could find out where you was, and as they were
going away, he said I have done all I can to find him, for they
Threatened to Tar and feather him. As for ————— he expects to
be Tarred & feathered to Night for ever speaking to you"
N° 4
Extract of a Letter from M.rs Moreton dated 7th May 1773
"I am frightened when any person comes into the House, for if
any of the Gang saw them, they would abuse them, they lay all