438 Assembly Proceedings, November 5-21, 1770.
Liber R. G.
Parish aforesaid in the same manner that other Parish Taxes usually
are or may be lawfully Levied and Collected
[which may
be dis-
charged as
other Par-
ish Taxes;]
Provided always and be it Enacted that the said Taxable In-
habitants may and they are hereby Impowered to pay and discharge
the said Assessments in the same manner that other Parish Taxes
may be paid and discharged by the Laws of this Province which shall
be in force at the time of Levying and Collecting the same
[and by the
Sheriff paid
to the Ves-
trymen and
And be it further Enacted that the Sheriff aforesaid shall and he
is hereby required to pay to the Vestrymen and Church Wardens of
Saint Lukes Parish aforesaid for the time being or to their Order
all such sums of Money and Tobacco as he shall Collect and receive
by Virtue of the said Assessment and of this Act his Commission
aforesaid Excepted in such manner and at such time as other Parish
or County Levies ought to be paid by the said Sheriff
[and by them
applied, as
by the afore-
said recited
Act is di-
p. 86
And be it further Enacted that it shall and May be Lawful to and
for the Vestrymen and Church Wardens of the Parish aforesaid
for the time being and they are hereby Authorised and required to
apply and Lay out the Money and Tobacco so to be Levied collected
and paid by the aforesaid recited Act is Directed and to no other
use or purpose whatsoever