And be it further Enacted that no Inhabitant of the said Town
or other Person shall Presume to buy or cause to be bought of any
person or persons bringing (and within one Mile of the said Town)
or having brought therein any Kind of Victuals or Provisions for
Sale (except as before excepted) either upon the above Stated
Market Days or any other Days of the Week during the time of the
above Stated Market Hours at any other Place Whatsoever but at or
in the aforesaid Market House under the Penalty of twenty Shillings
Current Money of this Province for every Such Offence to be re-
covered by Warrant before any Justice of the Peace for Frederick
County or the County where such person shall reside as in case of
Small Debts to be paid to the Clerk of the said Market for the time
being and applied by him to the uses herein after mentioned
[No In-
habitant, &c.
shall pre-
sume to buy
Victuals or
Hours, but
at the Mar-
under Pen-
alty, &c.]
p. 87
And Be it further Enacted that no person whatsoever bringing
or sending or having brought or sent any Victuals or provisions to
the said Town for sale (except as before Excepted) shall presume
to sell or cause to be sold the said Victuals or Provisions so bringing
or sending or brought or sent as aforesaid to the said Town or within
one Mile thereof at any other Place whatsoever during the time of
the above Stated Market Hours but at or in the aforesaid Market
House under the Penalty of Ten Shillings Current Money of this
Province for every such Offence to be recovered paid and applied as
aforesaid And if any Servant or Slave shall presume to sell any
Victuals or Provision Contrary to the true intent and Meaning of
this Act such Servant or Slave shall be punished by Whipping on
the Bare Back at the discretion of one or more Justices of the peace
for ffrederick County Provided such Whipping do not exceed fifteen
Lashes for any one Offence
[and no Per-
son shall
presume to
sell Victuals
or Provi-
sions during
Hours, but
at the afore-
said Market-
House, un-
der Penalty,
And be it further Enacted that the Justices of Frederick County
aforesaid in Court Sitting shall and they are hereby required at their
next November Court and at every November Court Yearly during
the Continuance of this Act to Nominate and appoint one of the
Inhabitants of the Town of Frederick aforesaid being a Freeholder
within the Said Town to be Clerk of the said Market for the Year
then next ensuing whose Power and Authority as Clerk shall con-
[The Jus-
tices of
County to
nominate a
Clerk of said