Whereas the Rector Vestrymen and Church Wardens of Saint
Lukes Parish in Queen Anns County by their humble Petition to
this General Assembly have set forth that the Quantity of thirty thou-
sand Pounds of Tobacco directed by the Act entituled "An Act to
enable the Justices of Queen Anns County Court for the time being
to Levy on the Taxable Inhabitants of Saint Lukes Parish in the
said County a Quantity of Tobacco for Building a Chapel in the
said Parish" to have been Assessed at any time between the twentieth
Day of December and the twelfth Day of January now last past
has not been Assessed agreeable to the said Act and have prayed
that an Act may now pass to impower the Justices of said County
at their November Court which shall be in the Year Seventeen
hundred and seventy one to Assess on the Taxable Inhabitants of
said Parish the aforesaid Quantity of Tobacco for the use as by the
said Act is directed
reciting a
former Act.]
Be it therefore Enacted by the right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship Gov-
ernor and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the
Authority of the same That the Justices of Queen Anns County for
the time being shall at their November Court to be held in the Year
One thousand Seven hundred and seventy one assess on the Taxable
Inhabitants of Saint Lukes Parish aforesaid the sum of Thirty
Thousand Pounds of Tobacco together with a Commission to the
Sheriff of five Per Cent for Collecting the same which sum of Thirty
Thousand Pounds of Tobacco together with his Commission for
Collecting the same it shall and may be Lawful for the Sheriff of
Queen Anns County for the time being to levy and Collect by way
of Execution of and from the Taxable Inhabitants of Saint Lukes
[The Jus-
tices of
County to
assess on the
taxable In-
habitants of
St. Luke's
30,000 lb. of
Tobacco; ]