L. H. J.
Liber No. 54
Nov. 20
Daniel Dulany Esq from the Upper House, delivered to M.r
Speaker, the Petition of the Rector, Vestrymen, Church Wardens,
and sundry Inhabitants of Prince Georges Parish in Frederick and
Prince Georges Counties praying for an Assessment of 128,000 lb:
Tobacco, for the building a Church in said Parish.
The Petition of Peter Haldimand praying that an Act might pass
for his Naturalization; and the Remonstrance of the Justices of
Ann Arundel County, respecting the Jail of said County; severally
indorsed: "By the Upper House of Assembly November the 20.th
1769, read, and referred to the Consideration of the Lower House
of Assembly.
Sign'd by Order U Scott Cl: Up: Ho:"
The House adjourns 'til To -morrow Morning 9 o'Clock
p. 5
John Ridout Esq, from the Upper House, delivered to M.r
Speaker, the Petition [of John Scarborough,] of Worcester County.
The Petition of the Rector, Vestrymen, and Church Wardens of
Somerset Parish in Somerset County; and the Petition of the Rector,
Vestrymen, and Church Wardens of Saint Pauls Parish lying partly
in Queen Anns and partly in Talbot County; severally indorsed: "By
the Upper House of Assembly November 21.st 1769, read and re-
ferred to the Consideration of the Lower House of Assembly.
Sign'd by Order U Scott Cl: Up: Ho:"
M.r Hollyday brought in, and delivered to M.r Speaker, the follow-
ing Address.
To his Excellency Robert Eden Esq; Governor and Commander in
Chief in and over the Province of Maryland
The Humble Address of the House of Delegates.
May it please your Excellency,
We, his Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Delegates
of the Freemen of Maryland, in General Assembly convened, return
your Excellency our sincere Thanks for your kind and affectionate
Speech at the Opening of this Session. We cordially congratulate
you upon your appointment to succeed your worthy Predecessor,
Colonel Sharpe, in the Government of this Province, and upon your
safe Arrival, with your Lady and Family, to take upon you the Ad-
ministration. The Honor of this great and Important Trust you
cannot fail, Sir, of meriting, so long as you consider it your indis-