pensible Duty to promote, on all Occasions, the Prosperity of Mary-
land. And while we indulge ourselves with the pleasing Prospect of a
mild and equitable Government, permit us to assure your Excellency,
that it will ever give us Pleasure, when we can, in any Manner, con-
tribute to make your Administration easy and agreeable to your self,
and honorable to the Lord Proprietary.
Your Desire of accommodating the Public Business to our private
Affairs, demands our sincere Acknowledgments; and as the Exigen-
cies of Government have made it necessary to call us together at this
Time, we shall with cheerfulness submit to the Inconveniencies aris-
ing from a Meeting of Assembly at so late a Season.
Convinced as we are with your Excellency, that the real Interests
of the Lord Proprietary and the People of this Province are in
seperable, we venture to hope that our Conduct in the Course of the
Session, will so manifest our Attachment to the Welfare of our
Country, that your Excellency will not be disappointed in the Expecta-
tion you are pleased to entertain, being determined to pursue the
Business with that Temper and Moderation, and to cultivate that
amicable Intercourse so essentially necessary to the Attainment of
those Benefits which are the Objects of our Meeting:
It gives us great satisfaction to be assured in the Message with
which his Lordship has honored us, and which your Excellency was
pleased to deliver, of his Willingness to encourage any Plan for the
Improvement, or Addition to the Happiness of his Province, which
the Relation you bear to his Lordship, and the Sentiment of Friend-
ship and Affection for, and Confidence in you, he is pleased to ex-
press, afford us the most agreeable Hope it will be as much in your
Power, as we believe it is your Inclination, greatly to promote.
The warm concern you are pleased, Sir, to express for the Welfare
of the rising Generation, and your Assurance that we may rely upon
your most cordial Concurrence in every Measure we may propose,
conducive to the Welfare and Happiness of the Province, have a just
Claim to our most sincere Thanks. And, though we join you in
wishing for a well founded Provision for the more liberal Institution
of Youth; yet, we hope we shall stand excused in not entering upon
a Consideration of that Matter at this Time, when the severe Season
of the Year is so nearly approaching.
We receive your Excellency's Assurances as an Earnest of your
future Conduct. We persuade ourselves that by that Test they will
be justified; and we cannot but indulge ourselves with the warmest
Expectations, that you will always have the Happiness to receive, for
having acted solely upon the Principles you have been pleased to lay
L. H. J.
Liber No. 54
Nov. 21
down, the united Thanks and Applause of a grateful People.
Which was read, approved of, and Ordered to be Ingross'd
The Petitions and Remonstrance delivered, Yesterday, by Daniel
Dulany Esq, read the first Time, and Ordered to lie on the Table.
p. 6