Ordered, That M.r Ringgold, M.r Dickinson, M.r Worthington,
M.r Beall, and M.r Wilson, be a Committee to inspect the Accounts
and Proceedings of the Commissioners appointed by virtue of the
Act for the Payment of the Public Claims, for emitting Bills of
Credit, and for other Purposes therein mentioned.
M.r Ward, M.r Hayward, M.r Goldsborough, and M.r M. Tilgh-
man, be a Committee of Elections and Privileges.
M.r Goldsborough, M.r Sulivane, M.r Wright, and M.r Dickinson,
a Committee of Accounts. Mr. Allen added thereto.
M.r Hayward, M.r Allen, M.r N. Thomas, M.r Hooper, M.r Bord-
ley, M.r Worthington, M.r Veazy, M.r Ware, M.r Hollyday, M.r E.
Tilghman, M.r Johnson, and M.r Chase, a Committee of Grievances
and Courts of Justice
Messieurs John Duckett, and James Brook, appointed Clerks to
the several Committees.
M.r Zadock Purnel appeared in the House.
M.r Gantt, at the request of M.r Thomas Cockey Deye, brought in
and delivered to M.r Speaker, a Petition of sundry Inhabitants of
Baltimore County, complaining of Mal-Conduct in the Sheriff, and
and illegal return of Representatives. Which was read.
Ordered that the same be taken into Consideration on Monday the
27.th Day of this Instant, and that the Clerk of this House do make
out all such Copies and Subpoenas as shall be applied for relative to
said Petition.
Ordered, That the Clerk do issue Process against Daniel Chamier
Sheriff of Baltimore County, commanding his Attendance at the Bar
of this House on Monday the 27.th Day of this Instant, and also that
he bring with him the Polls and whole Proceedings relative to the late
general Election of Representatives for that County.
M.r Johnson, and M.r Chase, have leave of absence 'til Monday
M.r Bordley has leave of absence 'til Thursday next
Ordered, That M.r Chase do acquaint the Rev.d M.r Edmiston, that
he is desired by this House, to read Divine Service every Morning,
during this Session, at a Quarter before Nine o'Clock
The House adjourns 'til Monday Morning 9 o'Clock
L. H. J.
Liber No. 54
Nov. 18