[Bonds, &c,
belonging to
the Prisoners
to be
assigned to
the Sheriff]
And be it further Enacted That all the Accounts Bonds Notes
and other Demands which any of the said Prisoners have against
any Person or Persons whatsoever Shall be by the said Prisoner or
Prisoners Assigned to the Sheriff in Whose Custody such Prisoner
or Prisoners Shall be at the Time of their Discharge and that
Sheriff or Sheriffs shall and may maintain an action or actions on
such Demands as Assignee of such Prisoner or Prisoners in his
own name Provided always that such Creditor or Creditors require
and Demand Such Sheriff to Sue and give to Such Sheriff a Bond
to Indemnify him against any Charge that may Accrue to him by
means of any such Suit and in Case of recovery that then the
Sheriff make distribution of what Shall be recovered to the Person
or Persons giving him Such Security as aforesaid
if Single, to
be sold for
Five Years]
And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that if any of the
Persons intended to be relieved by this Act are and Shall be of
Sufficient ability of Body to Labour such Person or Persons not
having a Wife or Family Shall be and are hereby Obliged to Serve
for a Time not exceeding five years to any Person or Persons who
are or Shall be inclined to purchase the time or Servitude of such
Debtor or Debtors and that the respective Sheriffs in whose Custody
the aforesaid Debtors or any of them are be and are hereby Author-
ized and Obliged to Summon two Justices of the Peace in the
respective Counties at the request of the said Persons as soon as
Conveniently may be after the receipt of this Act and after giving
five days Notice at the Court Houses of the respective Counties of
the intended sale of such Debtor or Debtors expose to Sale in the
Presence of the said Justices such Debtor or Debtors and the time
of his or their Servitude to the highest Bidder and the Money
arising from such sale Shall be as effects of such Debtor or Debtors
in the hands of the respective Sheriffs Subject as aforesaid to a
Distribution in manner aforesaid and the Sale and Service of Such
Debtor or Debtors as aforesaid is hereby directed to be taken as a
full and Sufficient Acquital and discharge against all Debts due
from such Debtor or Debtors before such Sale Provided that in
case it Shall appear to the Satisfaction of the said Justices that
any of the said Debtors have offer'd Since their Confinement to
make Satisfaction to their Creditors by Servitude and that their
Creditors have refused to accept the same that the time such Debtors
have been confined in Prison shall be deemed and Taken as part of
the aforesaid five years and that they Shall be Obliged to Serve
only for Such time as will compleat five years from the day of