a Lott or parcel of Ground Scituate and lying on the first Street in
Frederick Town joining on the west Side to John Lingenfeldar and
extending Sixty feet from thence in Breadth and running three
hundred and ninety three feet in length being part of two Lotts of
Ground marked and distinguished by N.o 38 and 39 together with
all and Singular the Buildings Improvements and Advantages on
the said Lott or parcell of Ground and that the said John Jeremiah
Myar Should pay to the same Daniel Davis the sum of Six hundred
and fifty pounds Pensylvania Money for the same In pursuance of
which said Agreement the said Daniel Davis gave his Bond or
Obligation duly executed to the Same John Jeremiah Myar bearing
date on the day and year aforesaid in the penalty of thirteen hun-
dred pounds Current Money of Maryland for the Conveyance of
the same Lott And whereas the said Daniel Davis being Indebted
unto Daniel Dulany Esquire in the sum of four hundred and Seventy
five Pounds in Gold and Silver as regulated by the late Inspection
Law the said John Jeremiah Myar passed and executed a Bond with
Security to the said Daniel Dulany Esquire for the same Sum of
four hundred and Seventy five pounds in Gold and Silver as afore-
said at the request and by the direction of the said Daniel Davis
which he the said Daniel Dulany accepted and was Accounted as
payment in part of the said Purchase money, And Whereas at the
time of making the Agreement aforesaid the said Daniel Davis was
Indebted by Obligation unto the same John Jeremiah Myar in the
sum of one hundred and fifty pounds Maryland Money Which at
the time of entering into the Agreement aforesaid was also con-
cluded between the Same Parties to be Accounted and taken in
discharge of part of the said Sum of Six hundred and fifty Pounds
pensylvania Money and hath always hitherto Since been deemed
and taken as such which said Several Sums of Money amount in
the Whole to more than the sum Stipulated for the Same Lott or
parcell of Ground, And Whereas it further Appears to this General
Assembly that the said Daniel Davis departed this Life about the
last of June in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred
and Sixty two aforesaid Without having made or Executed any
Conveyance of his Right Title Interest and Estate of in to and out
of the Lott or parcel of Ground aforesaid agreeable to the Contract
aforesaid and the True intent and Meaning of the Said Parties,
leaving three Daughters only, Infants within the age of Twenty one
Years, who are Incapable of Complying with and performing the
Agreement aforesaid on the part and behalf of the same Daniel
Liber H. S.
No. 1
Davis to be Observed, thro', means Whereof without the Inter-
position of this General Assembly the same John Jeremiah Myar
his Title to the said Lott or parcel of Land must for a Long time
continue imperfect to his great Prejudice and in delay of Justice.
Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships
p. 595