N.o 3 An Ingrossed Bill Ent.d an Act for the relief of certain
languishing Prisoners in the several Goals therein mentioned.
N.o 4. An Indorsed Bill Ent.d an Act directing a Copy of the
last Will and Testament of Brigadier General Bouquet to be Re-
corded in the Prerogative Office of this Province and for other
purposes therein mentioned.
N.o 5. An Ingrossed Bill Ent.d an Act for the Tryal of all matters
of Fact in the several Counties where they have arisen or shall arise.
N.o 6. An Ingrossed Bill Ent.d a Supplementary Act to an Act
entitled an Act for the Speedy Tryal of Criminals and ascertaining
their Punishment in the County Courts when Prosecuted there and
for Payment of Fees due from Criminal Persons.
N.o 7. An Ingrossed Bill Ent.d an Act for reviving and continuing
of Actions and Process in several of the Courts of Law within
this Province.
N.o 8. An Ingrossed Bill Ent.d an Act to enable the Vestrymen
and Church Wardens of S.t Pauls Parish in Baltimore County to
Nominate and recommend Inspectors for Baltimore Town Ware-
house. All which his Excellency the Governor Passed into Laws in the
usual Form and made the following Speech Viz.t
I with the Advice of his Lordships Council of State do Prorogue
this general Assembly to the 27th day of October next and you are
to take Notice that you are Prorogued to that day accordingly.
So Endeth this Session of Assembly this 27th day of May Anno
Domini 1766.
Test. MMacnemara Cl lo ho