they lay before this House an Account of their Correspondence.
The House Proceeded to Tax the Bill Entituled an Act to vest
the Title of and in a certain Lot or parcel of Land in John Jeremiah
To the hon.ble Speaker................ £2...0.0
To the Clerk........................ 1..0.0
And the Bill Entituled an Act directing a Copy of the last Will and
Testament of Brigadier General Bouquet to be Recorded in the
Prerogative Office of this Province and for other Purposes therein
To the hon.ble Speaker................ £6.. 0.0
To the Clerk........................ 3...0.0
An Ingrossed Bill Entituled an Act for reviving and continuing
of Actions and Process in Several of the Courts of Law within
this Province was Read and Assented to and sent to the Upper
House wtih the Paper Bill thereof by M.r Hanson and M.r Hall.
John Ridout Esq.r from the Upper House delivers to M.r Speaker
all the Paper Bills (the Ingrossed bills of which had been sent to the
Upper House) severally Indorsed the Engrossed Bill of which
this is the Original is Read and Assented to by the Upper House
of Assembly.
Signed by Order U Sott Cl up ho
Ordered that the following be Entered on the Journal as the Resolve
of this House Viz.t
Resolved that this House will not receive the Petition for the
Discharge of any Prisoner for Debt unless Notice be given of such
Prisoners Intention to apply for relief by Advertizements set up
at the Court House door and in the Clerks Office of the County
where such Prisoner is confined for the Space of thirty days at
least before the meeting of that Session of Assembly to which
such Petition shall be preferred, and such Notice to be Certified by
the Justices of the County Court where such Prisoner is confined
or three of the said Justices at the least
Ordered that the following Resolve made the 22.d Day of Novem-
ber 1763. be entred on the Journal of this Session and printed with
the foregoing Resolve in the Maryland Gazette
Resolved that for the future this House will not take into Con-
sideration any Petition from the Inhabitants of any County or Parish
relative to the imposing any kind of Taxes or erecting any publick
Buildings or other matter any way respecting the general Interest