To his Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esq:r Governor and Command:r
in and over the Province of Maryland
the Humble Address of the House of Delegates
May it please your Excellency
We find by a Report of a Committee of this House Appointed
to inspect into the State of the several Publick Offices a Copy of
which we herewith Present to your Excellency that from the Ex-
amination which could at this time be made there are many Errors
and Omissions in the Records of the Secretarys Commissarys and
Land Office the evil consequences of Negligence or remissness in the
Execution of Publick Offices the Records of which are almost the
only Evidence of Property in this Province are but too Obvious
We therefore hope your Excellency will use your Influence in
directing the Errors and Omissions which have already happened
to be rectified and Supplied as far as can be as also in Recommending
in the Strongest manner a more exact Discharge of Duty to Gentle-
men who enjoy such Publick Offices
Which was read and assented to and Signed by Order of the
House by the Honble Speaker
Ordered that Col.o Tilghman and M.r ff: Gantt do Acquaint his
Excellency the Governor that this House hath Prepared an Address
to him and desires to know when and where he will please to receive
it they return and Acquaint M.r Speaker that the Governor Signified
he would receive the Address immediately in the Conference Chamber
Ordered that Col.o Tilghman with three more do present the
The House Adjourns till 2. of the Clock
Post Meridiem,
the House met.
the Order of the day being read the House took into Considera-
tion the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Town of Baltimore in
Baltimore County And Referred the said Petition to the considera-
tion of next Assembly
On Motion Ordered that the Whole Proceedings of the Congress
at New York be entered on the Journal and Which are as follows
[There immediately follows in the manuscript Votes and Pro-
ceedings, folios 399-426, the Proceedings of the Stamp Act Congress
held October 1765 in New York City. These Proceedings are not
repeated here as they have already been printed in full in the Ap-
pendix of Volume 59, pp. 327-356 from a contemporary pamphlet.
Nor does Green print them at this point in his printed Votes and