Thomas, 529.
Weyemoth, 549.
William, 529.
Sheals, Jno., 547.
Phillip, 547.
Sheke, George, 543.
Shekell, John, 546.
Shelbourne, Lord, lix, 189.
Shelby, Capt. Evan, 150.
Sheldon, Mary, 511.
Sheneer, Rawland, 577.
Shepheard, John, 500.
Sheridine, Jeremiah, 565.
Sheriff, Act for better regulat-
ing the office of, 303, 304,
342, 359, 365, 375, 378.
Sheriffs, Act for the direction
of, xl, 127, 128, 168, 197,
202, 209.
Sheriffs, Answerable for not
producing defendants, lii,
Collections by, 13, 59, 228,
231, 238, 512; see also
Amercements, bill for the
recovery of.
Sherwood, Alice, 366.
Sherwoods Landing Warehouse,
Shettleworth, Thomas, 535.
Shevers, John, 564.
Thomas, 564.
Shields, David, 542.
Paul, 95.
Shilling, Christian, 551.
Shingles, see Baltimore Town,
Shinton, John, 571.
Josias, 536.
Shipley, Absolam, 545.
Adam, 564.
Adam, son of Peter, 545.
Adams, son of Charles, 529.
Amon, 545.
Charles, 529.
George, 563.
Peter, 545.
Richard, 545.
Samll, 545.
Samuel, Juner., 563.
Shippley, Adam, 561.
Shly, see Schley.
Shock, Christian, 297.
Shore, Adam, 542.
Shot, Great, 364.
Shrader, Jacob, 560.
Philip, 560.
Shreiner, J. Valentine, 150.
Shrewsbury Parish, Kent
County, 246.
Shriack, Milkal, 542.
Shrimplins, John, 551.
Shuster, Ludwick, 557.
Silver, Gershin, 580.
Simcock, William (died e.
1756), 33-
Simmans, Thos., 573.
Simms, James, 579.
Simpkin, Thos., 533.
Simpson, John, 528.
Saml., 527.
Sims, Chars, 579.
Natl., 572.
Ralph, 572.
Thomas, 572.
William, 571.
Sincler, James, 570.
Sindal, Philip, 539.
Sindall, Samuell, 539.
Sindle, -----, 524.
Jacob, 546.
Sinklair, William, Junir, 544.
Sinkler, William, 532.
Sinnett, Nics., 536.
Sipson, Stephen, 540.
Six Nations (Indians), 282, 326.
Skeener, Melchar, 385; see also
Skiner, Cornelius, 569.
Reubin, 569.
Skinner, John, 569.
Joseph, 547.
Rot., 542.
Thomas, 525.
Slack, Henry, 563.
Slade, Ezekiel, 540.
Wm., 540.
Slades, Josia, 385.
Slagle, Charles, 525.
Slaves, Disabled and superan-
nuated, see Slaves, manu-
mission of, restrictions on.
Slaves, Liability of province for
death of, in prison, Iv.
Slaves manumission of, Act to
prevent evils of, 306, 312,
342, 377, 384, 396, 401.
Slaves, manumission of, restric-
tions on, Act to continue
xxiv, 8, 14, 15, 48, 49, 61,
65, 66 (text).
Slaves, prosecution of, costs of,
Act concerning, xxiv, 29, 83.
Slemaker, John, 526.
Sight, Henery, 569.
Sligh, Thos., 548.
Slings, lxxxii, 364.
slupnar, Adam, 532.
Slye, see Schley.
Small, Johann Conrad, 559.
Smallpox, xciii, 262.
Smallwood, Solomon, 297.
William (Charles County),
xlii, 17, 137, 154, 167, 337,
341, 370, 372; on Comm. on
arms and ammunition, 140,
346, 363-365; on Comm. to
enquire into McPherson pe-
tition, 357; sent by the
Lower House, 131, 132, 133,
170, 208, 214, 218, 287, 342;
votes, 24, 30, 32, 33, 50, 57,
6o, 152, 154, 155, 168, 169,
173, 178, 179, 194, 198, 200,
207, 208, 210, 347, 355, 362,
368, 369-
Smith, - - - -, 560.
Alexa., 570.
Buchanan, 580.
Danel, 533.
George, 544.
Henry, 578.
James, 97, 152, 247, 542, 571.
James (Frederick County),
18, 140; sent by the Lower
House, 119, 121, 192, 197;
votes, 24, 30, 32, 33, 50, 55,
57, 6o, 151, 154, 155, 168,
169, 173, 178, 179, 195, 199,
200, 207, 208, 2 1 0.
Jas., Junr, 570.
Jno., 537.
John, 540, 545, 573, 580.
John, Baltimore County, 526.
John, Baltimore Town, Com-
missioner for the marsh,
John, Carpenfter?], 527.
John, Dutchn., 527.
Jno Addison, 541,
Jonathan, see Hunt, Thomas.
Jonathan Jones, 579.
Joseph (Worcester County),
Jos:, blacksmith, 570.
Mary, 509.
Michael, 558.
Nathl., 543, 578.
Nicholas, 535.
Patrick, 574.
Ralph, 578.
Ralph, Juner, 578.
Robert, 541.
Robeth, 542.
Saml, 536.
Samll., 578.
Samuel, 577.
Samuel, son of Wm., 548.
Samuell, 516.
Thomas, 533.
W, 541.
William, 527, 541, 546, 548,
570, 575-
William, Baltimore Town,
lxxxix, 254.
Wm Augustus, 575.
Smithson, Thomas, 578.
Wm., 580.
Smock, William, 507, 509.
Snap, Peter, 560.
Snow Hill Hundred, 512.
Snow Hill Town, Worcester
County, 302, 308, 309, 352,
374, 377, 388, 391, 395, 396,
505; see also Swine and
Snow Hill Warehouse, 511, 512.
Snowden, John Baptist, 545.
Soldiers, Allowances for vic-
tualling of, 149, 150.
Sollers, Heighe, 542.
Jno, 543.
Sabrith, 524.
Saml., 527.
Thos., 525.
Solomon, Robt., 527.