Somerset County, 97, 99, no,
Delegates of, xiv, 17, 325, 341.
Justices of, 101, 102, 104, 157,
167, 168.
Somerset Parish, Somerset
County, xxxvi, lxxiii, lxxiv,
5, 23, 24, 96, 101, 102, 104,
150, 153, 157, 167, 168, 227-
229 (text).
Somerville, Alexander, 392.
Sotherland, Thos., 550.
Sothoron, Henry Greenfield
(St. Mary's County), 17,
49, 52, 113, 186; sent by the
Lower House, 120, 123, 194,
198; votes, 24, 30, 32, 33,
195, 198, 2OI, 207, 208, 210.
Sower, John, 529.
Spalding, Clement, 296, 301.
Ignatius, 5, 25, 68.
Sparold, Jas., 577.
Spear, Wm., 537.
Spears (Speer), Aaron, 95, 247.
Specie, Want of, see Accounts,
Journal of.
Speck, John, 540.
Speer, Henry, 511.
William, Commissioner for
the marsh, 254. See also
Speight, Joseph, 533.
Spellman, Jno., 540.
Spence, Adam, Justice, Worces-
ter County, 505, 506, 508,
509, S", 512.
George, 512.
John, 506, 508.
Spencer, Ritchard, 577.
Wm., 542.
Zacaris, 579.
Spengel, Daniel, 559.
Spicer, John, 539-
Valentine, 539.
Spittler, Johannes, 561.
Sprigg, Edward, 117.
Thomas, a manager of the
lottery, lxvii, 217.
Spriggs Point Warehouse, 243,
Spring, [Ja]mes, 531.
Spring Hill, Somerset County,
lxxv, 435, 437.
Squiers, Peter, 539.
Squirrel scalps, 512.
Squirrels, see Crows.
Stamp Act, Maryland reaction
to, xi, Iv.
Repeal of, ix, xi, xxiii, xxvi,
xxviii, xli, Ivi, 134.
Stamp Act Congress, clerk of,
Allowance to, xxiii, Iv, 29-
Proceedings of, Ivi, 62.
Stamp Act disturbances, xxxi,
Ivi, 212; see also Gaither,
Anne; Mills, Wright.
Standeford, John, son of Sam,
Sam, 573.
Sammuel, Junr., 573.
Standfer, Skilten, Junr., 532.
Standiford, Abraham, 544.
Standiford, John, 385, 544.
William, Senr., 543.
William, Juner, 544.
Stansbury, Charles, 547.
Daniel, 526.
Dixson, Jur., 573.
Edmund. 547.
John, 538, 547-
Jno., Jr., 500.
Richard, 546.
Richardson, 538.
Samuel, Senr., 529.
Samuel, Junr., 549.
Thomas, 528, 530.
William, 537.
Stark, John, 500.
Starkey, Jonathan, 578.
Starling, John, 515.
Starr, Adam, 560.
Jesper (----. Straher),
Stationary ware, Purchase of,
for the Assembly, 132, 133,
136, 214, 218, 219, 220, 276-
277 (text), 322.
Staves, see Baltimore Town,
Stay of execution, Act ..... sup-
plementary to, 26, 32.
Steavens, William, 549.
Steed, Benjamin, 297.
Steele, Anne (Rider), Mrs.
Henry, lxxix, 294, 352.
(steel), Henry (Dorchester
County), 294, 325, 341, 346,
352, 371, 372, 378; on
Comm. of accounts, 332; on
Comm. on compass varia-
tions, 361; on Comm. to
consider Provincial judges'
salaries, 343; on Comm. of
elections and privileges,
332; on Comm. to inspect
the payment of the public
claims, xlv, 284, 332; sent
by the Lower House, 284,
332, 335, 394, 404, 412;
votes, 348, 352, 355, 363, 368,
369, 371, 379, 383, 384, 387,
392, 418.
Steiger, Andres, 559.
Steiger, Andrew!?], 500.
Steiger, see also Stygar.
Stein, Jacob, 557.
Stenhouse, A., 536.
Stenhouse, Alexander, 499.
Stens, James, 533.
Stephan, Jas., 572.
Stephenson, Robert, 578.
Stepleton, Eduard, 572.
Stepney Parish, Act to levy
160,000 Ibs of tobo., xlix,
liii, lxxiii, 302, 307, 309, 313,
350, 367, 375, 378, 386, 391,
436-438 (text).
Petition of the inhabitants of,
lxxiii, lxxiv, lxxv, 7, 28,
289, 347, 350.
Sterett, Ja., 541.
John, 536.
Sterling, Aaron, 515.
Henry, 515.
Rev. James, 226.
Littleton, 515.
Sterrits, Smith, of Baltimore
Town, 96.
Steuart, George, 577.
James, 385.
Stevens, Abraham, 558.
Edward, 524.
Ephraim, 516.
Francis [Frances], 510.
James, 564.
Mary, ferry keeper, 510.
Ojiles, 549.
Thomas, 526,
Stevenson, Daniel, 307.
Edward, 525.
Henry, 409.
Henry, son of Edward, 525.
James, 516.
John, 507.
Jno, 543.
Joseph, 507, 516.
Joshua, 548.
Sater, 538.
Stevinson, Jonathan, 516.
Stewart, Alexr., 500, 537.
James, 543, 568.
John, 509, 532.
John, London, xciv.
Stewart & Campbell, of London,
Stiehl, Christoffel, 561.
Stiles, Joseph, 578.
Stinchcomb, John, 531.
Nathaniel, 526.
Nathl., Ser, 534.
Stinchcome, John, 528.
Stockdell, Thomas, 533.
Stockley, John, 510.
Stocksdale, Edward, 560.
John, 531.
stockstell, Ettwert, Siener, 562.
Stokes, Joseph, 541.
Stoler, John, 559.
Stoller, Martin, 559.
Story, Thomas, 551.
Stover, John, 528.
Straffon, Robert, 537.
Straher, ----- (Jesper
Starr), 526.
Street, Thomas, 573.
Striehbeck, Peter, 559.
Stro, John, 573.
William, 573
Strobake, George, 559.
Strobell, Zacheriah, 540.
Strong, Thomas, 577.
Stump, Peter, 557.
Sturgeon, Henry, 561.
Sturgis, Outten, 508.
Thomas, 508.
William, 507, 508, 509.