St. James Parish, Anne Arundel
County, xliv.
St. John's Parish, Baltimore
County, 521.
St. John's Parish, Queen Anne's
County, liii, lxxiv, lxxv,
301, 302, 315, 316, 324, 373,
374, 390, 400, 401, 404, 405,
419, 420, 463-465 (text).
St. Luke's Parish, Queen Anne's
County, 244.
St. Martin's [Creek], Worcester
County, 511.
St. Mary's County, Court of,
Act to remedy....... loss of
some proceedings of, liii,
297, 303, 309, 313, 347, 350,
359, 36i, 378, 391, 395-396,
423-425 (text);
Delegates of, xlv, 17, 93, 113,
203, 284, 325, 337, 341, 400;
Election in, 20;
Sheriff of, 1769, xxii.
St. Paul's Parish, Baltimore
County, 521; Act for nomi-
nation of inspectors by, xxv,
lxxiii, 12, 15, 53, 57, 64, 65,
85-87 (text);
Petition for tax to hire an
organist, cvi, 499-500.
St. Paul's Parish, Kent County,
xx, 151, 226-227.
St. Stephen's Parish, Cecil
County, 246.
St. Thomas's Parish, Garrison
Forest, xlv, 521.
Salt, see Baltimore Town, flour.
Salter, Philip, 562.
Samuels, Jno., 536.
Sand boxes (for blotting), 118.
Sandarcon, Robard, £&&.
Sanders, James, 575.
Robt, Jnr., 526.
William, 499.
Sank, George, 528.
John, 559.
Sappington, John, 539.
Mark Brown, 536.
Sater, Henry, 530.
Sauer, Friederich, 561.
Saunders, Eduard, 576.
Joseph, 576.
Joshua, 576.
Robert, 569.
Capt, Robert (Serjeant at
arms of tVie ILower Hottsi?)7
xxvi, xliv, 139, 328.
Thomas, 576.
Saville, Sir George, lix, 189.
Saw mill, 73.
Scaff, Nicholis, 575.
Scales, John, 551.
Scales and weights, for weigh-
ing money, 118.
Scarborough, John, Petition of,
rejected, 291.
John, Justice, Worcester
County. 505, 506.
John, Junr., Coroner, 511.
Samuel, 508.
Scarf, Henry, 544.
Scarfe, Wm, 558.
Scarff, Hennery, 540.
Joseph, 533.
William, 543.
Scarrel, John, 579.
Sch - - -, Christoffel, 557.
Schiick, Georg, 559.
Schaffer, Christian, 558.
Jacob, 558.
schales, thomas, 558.
Schall, Joseph, 560.
Schatz, Johannes -----, 561.
Schaub, -----, 500.
Schauer, Johannes, 557.
Schaun, Schon, 541.
Schibirtt, Carl[?]. 561.
Schiel, Carl, 500, 542.
Schind, Carle, 557; see also
Schl[?], Peder, 560.
Schlegell, Henrich, 542.
Schleich, Schan, 542.
Schley (Shly, Slye), John,
lxxvii, 96, 124, 125, 169, 201,
Thomas, 7, 28, 29, 50, 51, 53;
see also Myar, John, Jere-
Schmidt, Conrad, 559.
Conrat, 500.
Martin, 500.
Schneider, Friedrich, 557.
Schneider, Henrich, 540.
Martin, 557.
Scholes, John, Juner., 564.
Scholfield, William, 516.
Schoolfiel, Isaac Bozman, 507.
Schoolfield, Benjamin, 516.
George, 515.
Henry, 515.
Henry, Jr., 516.
John, 508, 515.
Schools, Support of, 8, 47, 397;
see also counties by name.
Schranck, Johannes, 559.
Schrimm, Johannes, 500.
Schrotter, William, 557.
Schroglamer, -----, 297.
Schuh, Philip Chris, 542.
Schuster, Frantz, 557.
Schwob, Conrad, 561.
scoles, John, Seneur, 545.
Scott, Benjamin, 516, 577.
Daniel, son of James, 570.
David, 541.
Scott, Elijah, 511, 512.
G. (Sheriff, p. G.), 322.
Jacob, 532.
James, 570.
Joseph, 291, 350, 551.
Joseph (Jacob), of Worcester
County, Act for the relie:
of, Iv, 302, 308, 309, 313, 355
367, 375, 377, 387, 388, 391
395, 396, 439-440 (text).
Josias, 579.
Richard, 95, 247.
Robert, 577.
Robert, Junur, 577.
Upton, Clerk of the Upper
House, xxi, 16, 138, 320,
William, 578.
Scrogin, John (George), 307,
Seale, James, 574.
Seals on proclamations, Allow-
ance to governor for, see
Seaton, George, 540.
Seclew, John, 95, 247.
Secretary, Office of, 34, 62, 356.
Sedgely & Company, Bristol,
England, xciv.
Segeter, Martin, 559.
Seirs, Moses, 545.
Selby, Daniel (of Worcester
County), 33-34, 5o8.
Daniel, of Philip, 509.
John, 505.
John, of Thomas, 506, 509.
Capt. John, 508.
Matthew, 508.
(Selbey), ParUer (Worcester
County), 21, 52, 54, 100,
156, 192, 194, 289, 341, 346-
347, 350; on Comm. of
grievances and courts of
justice, 27; motions by,
lxxvii-lxxviii, 26; sent by
the Lower House, 7, 48, 105,
106, 114, 173, 177, 180, 187,
302, 306, 315, 318, 319, 375,
384, 385, 387, 389, 397, 405,
410; votes, 24, 30, 32, 50,
168, 169, 173, 178, 178, 347,
352, 355, 362, 368, 369, 372,
377, 379, 3«o, 383, 354, 387,
392, 418.
Parker, of Philip, 508.
Philip, 508, 509.
Thomas, 506, 509.
William (Pocomoke), 509.
Sellman, John, 558.
Jonahan, 545.
Thos., 563-
Semple, William, 577.
Sence, Christopher, 539.
Peter, 539.
Senegin, see Lenegin.
Sergeant, John, 529.
Serif?], Hannes, 561.
Servants, evile relating to, Act
to remedy, xxxvii, 97, 100,
104, 143, 148, 153, 224
Servants, Irish, Duty on, 291;
see also Negroes, importa-
tion of.
Shaner, Jacob, 297.
Sharpe, Gov. Horatio, 506; see
also Governor.
Sharpless, Joshua, 529, 559.
Shaw, Daniel, 547, 573.
Samuel, 580.