Hopkins, Comfort, 510.
Gerrard, 541, 578.
Johns, 540.
Jo:n, 537.
Joseph, Senr., 579.
Jos., Junr, 579.
Levin, 507.
Nicholas, 537.
Richd., 537.
Samuel, 579.
William, 572, 573.
Horch, Johanes[?], 558.
Horn, William, 297.
Home, William, 96, 177.
Horner, James, 577.
Nathan, 570.
Horse rangers, Act restraining,
98; see also Fences, height
of, Act to ascertain.
Horses, mares and colts, multi-
plicity of, Act to repress, 98,
see also Fences, height of,
Act to ascertain.
Horsey, John, 515.
Smith, 517.
Horton, William, 575, 577.
Horwood, Jacob, 569.
Hosher, Ezekiel, 297.
Hospitals, see Workhouses.
Houck, Martin, 538.
Houk, Peter, 531.
Houston, John, 506, 508.
John, Senr., 509.
Robert, 509.
How, Edward, 542.
Samuel, 534.
Howard, General (British
House of Commons), lix,
Benja., 575-
Benjamin, 528.
Charles, 562.
Cornelius, 546.
Cornelius (Doorkeeper of the
Lower House), xxvi, xliv,
139, 189, 328.
George, 507.
John, 534, 577.
John Beale, 575.
Lemll., 575.
Richard, 534.
Sarah, 509.
Howel, Thomas, 550.
Howell, Jehu, 527.
McKeel (McKiel), 95, 247.
Howland, -----, 525.
Howlands, Jno, 541.
Howlett, John, 526.
Huber, Heinrich, 500.
Hudson, Captain, 507.
David, 510.
Henry, of St. Martin's, 507.
Jonathan, 5, 24, 68.
Solomon, 507.
William, 296, 510.
Huelings, Abraham, 542.
Huff, Mical, 564.
Michael, 560.
Hug, Joseph, 559.
Rudolf, 559.
Hughes, Aaram, 576.
Esram, 576.
Rev. Philip, lxxii.
Hughs, John, 385.
John Hall, 574.
Hughston, John, 575.
Hullet, James, 569.
Humphrey, David, 543.
Robert, 540.
Hunn, Francis, 532.
Hunt, Job, 531.
John, of London, 291.
Phinehas, 531.
Thomas, 528.
Capt. Thomas, 290, 348.
Thomas, and Smith, Jonathan,
Act to enable, to pay
monies, cii, 319, 353, 377,
Wm, 559.
William, Merchant in London,
cii, 200, 319, 348, 353, 377,
Hunter, George, Senr., 544.
George, Jnr., 544.
James, 544.
John, 536.
Jonathan, 544.
Peter, 544.
William, 538.
Hunting Creek, Dorchester
County, see Road, Hunting
Hunting Ridge, Horrid villainy
at, 285-286, 339-
Hupper, John, 544.
Kurd, John, 533.
Valentine, 527.
Husband, Wm., 579.
Huston, Robert, 296.
Hutcheson, James, 572.
Hutchings, Dr. Risdon, Siz
Susannah, 510.
Hutchins, Nickles, 576.
Thomas, 573.
Thomas, son of Nickles, 576.
Hutson, Thomas, 560.
William, 560.
Hyatt, Seth, 560.
Hyde, Samuel, London, 291.
Hyland, Col. Nicholas (Cecil
County), 21, in, 184; votes,
24, 30, 32, 33, So, 55, 57, 6o,
195, 199, 201, 207, 208, 210.
I. U. Church, see Chester
- - - ichens, Andre, 564.
Igoe, Peter, 531.
Imlar, Marks, 561.
Imparlance, 80.
Imports, Balance of, with ex-
ports, 213.
Indian Landing Warehouse, 245.
Indians, disaffected, entry of,
Act to prevent, xxxix, 143,
147, 180.
Indians, Nanticoke Maryland,
Desire of, to remove hence,
282, 326, 333.
Peaceful relations with, 331.
Industry, Encouragement of,
see Poor, Act for the benefit
of; Linen.
Ingrim, James, 543.
Inhabitants of this province, Act
to ease, see Apprentices,
Act to ... bind out.
Ink powder, 118.
Inloes, Abrm., 542.
Inlows, John, 544.
Inns and ordinaries, Act to
regulate, xxii, xxxix, xcviii,
cii-cv, 9, 12, 22, 27, 30, 48,
49, 50, 59, 98, 103, 141, 146,
154, 155, 175; see also
Licensing Act.
Inspection law, see Tobacco,
staple of, Act for amending.
Inspectors, tobacco, Nomination
of, 12, 15, 53, 57, 64, 65, 86,
244, 246.
Ireland, Nathan, 547.
Irelind, Richard, Juner, 547.
Iron, Pig and bar, Tax on ex-
port of, 207.
Iron Chest No. I, 115-117.
Iron Chests, ci, 123, 205, 268,
272, 274, 322, 323.
Ironshire, William, 507, 511.
Irwin, Jas., 562.
Robt., 561.
Isgrig, W. Senr., 528.
Israel, Gilbert, 551.
John, 560.
J - - - -, Thos., 565.
Jackman, Edwd., 570.
John, 569.
Jacks, Richard, 545.
Thomas, 545.
Jackson, Heney, 541.
James, 540.
Jas, 543.
Jackson, see also Johnson.
Jacobs, Mordecai (Prince
George's County), 17, 26,
137, 170, 177; on Comm. of
elections and privileges,
141; on Comm. of griev-
ances and courts of justice,
20, 140; motions by, 144;
sent by the Lower House,
97, 99, 114, 121, 131, 153,
156, 187, 196, 208; votes, 24,
30, 32, 33, 50, 54, 57, 6o,
152, 154, 155, 168, 178, 179,
194, 199, 200, 207, 208, 2IO.
Jacques, [Lancelot], lxxix, 374,
Jahn, Jochim, 560.
Jail fever, see Goal fever.
Jaisser, Georg, 559.
-----, James, 571.
James, Benjamin, 529.
David, 550.