Hedington, Abel, 532.
Zahulon, 532.
Heifer, Johannes, 534.
Heim, Frantz, 561.
Heinzman (Hinezman), Henry,
lxxvii, 5, 8, 10, 24, 25, 47,
50, 52.
helm, Henry, 526.
Helm, Leonard, 526.
Mabry, 542. see also Helms,
Helms, John, 560.
Joseph, 96.
Mayberry, 499.
Helms (Helmes), Mayberry,
junr., lxxvii, 96, 122, 124,
125, 169, 177, 184, 185, 192,
193, 197, 201, 202-203, 288,
Hemphill, Andrew, 95, 247.
Henback, George, 297.
Henden, Henry, 544.
Henderson, Beniam, Ser., 516.
Benjamin, 516.
Jams. 516.
John, 516.
Phil:, 569.
Richard, 307,
Wm., 516.
Hendingtone, William, 539.
Hendrickson, John, 548.
Hendriks, James, 551.
Hendrix, William, 561.
Henery, John, 574.
Hennen[ ?], Johan, Mull, 558.
Hennistoffel[?], Henrich, 560.
-----, Henrech, 529.
Henrix, John, 557.
Henry, Dorothy (Rider), Mrs.
John, lxxix, 294, 352.
John, 577.
Col. John (Dorchester
County), xix, xxvi, 4, 21,
26, 27, 29, 119, 191, 203, 294,
352; on Comm. on expiring
laws, 22; sent by the Lower
House, 10, 53, 127, 104, 207,
212; votes, 24, 30, 32, 33,
50, 55, 57, 6o, 195, 198, 200,
2O7, 208, 2IO.
Col. Robert Jenckins (U. H.),
xxvi, 12.
Sarah, and others, Petition of,
rejected, 97.
Hensey, Patrick, 536.
Henwood, Robert, 288, 345.
Herbert, John, 571.
Herman, Andreas, 560.
Col. [Ephraim Augustine]
(Lower House, 1715), 166.
Joh: Georg, 560.
Herrington, John, 540.
Heuster[?], Johannes, 561.
Hewitt, Edward, 563.
Heyt, Heurich, 556.
Hichcock, Asel, 573.
Hicks, Abraham, 538.
Isaac, 528.
James, 580.
Mary, 97, 152, 247.
Nehemiah, 539.
Nemiah, 538.
Shadrick, 538.
William, 537.
Hickson, Thomas, 530.
Higdon, John, 296.
Higginbottom, Joel, 525.
Hill, James, son of William,
John, 571, 574-
Joshua, 506, 509.
Levin, 508.
Richard, 575.
Thomas, 578.
hill, William, 569, 574.
Hill, William Stevens, 506.
Hillary, John, 576.
Hilleary, William, 297.
Hillen, Solomon, 550.
Hillsborough, Earl of, Secretary
of State for the Colonies, lx,
lxi, lxii, lxiii.
Hiltin, John, 543.
hinds, James, 579.
Hippinhammer, Andrew, 535.
Hiser, John, 558.
Hissey, Charles, 559.
Hitchcock, Aseel, 576.
Hoban[?], Wilhelm, 563.
Hobkings, William, 562.
Hobs, Lenard, 564.
Hodg, John, 533.
Hodges, Willum, 526.
Hodgkins, James, 573.
Hoffman, William, 542.
Hofsteter, Heinrich, 500.
Henry, 542.
Holbrock, John, 564.
Holder, Joseph, 6, 26, 68.
Holl, Abraham, 561.
Holland, Frans., 578.
Gabriel, 559.
John, 243, 244.
Nehemiah, 506, 508, 509.
William, 509.
William, Junr., 508.
Hollandsworth, George, 570.
Holliday, John Robert, 542.
Holliday. See also Hollyday.
Rollings, Jonathan, 95, 247.
Hollis, Amos, 574.
Willm., 578.
William, Junior, 571.
Hollond, Michael, Sen., 515.
Holmes, James, 570.
Hollyday, Henry (Talbot
County), xxvi, 137, 141,
146, 157, 159, 177, 188; on
Comm. of elections and
privileges, xxviii, 141; on
Comm. to pay the public
claims, 1 86; sent by the
Lower House, 95, 96, 147,
149; votes, 151, 154, 155,
168, 169, 173, 178, 179.
Hollyday (Holliday), James,
Esqr. (Queen Anne's
County), xliii, 18, 22, 25,
91, 137, 143, M4, 145, 151,
153, 155, 325, 331, 34i, 342,
343, 344, 348, 353, 361, 381,
383; on Comm. to answer
the Governor's message, 19,
139, 340; on Comm. to con-
sider Provincial judges' sal-
aries, 343; on Comm. to
enquire into Proprietary's
receipt of fines and for-
feitures, xxi, 21, 142; on
Comm. to explain rejection
of Indian petition, 337-338;
on Comm. of grievances and
courts of justice, 332; on
Comm. to license hawkers
and pedlars, xxii, 22; on
Comm. to report on criminal
laws, 369; on Comm. to
state the facts on Indian
affairs, 333-334; motions by,
145; Rejection of Upper
House seat by, xix; sent by
the Lower House, 91, 138,
141, 281, 289, 294, 326, 346,
351; votes, 24, 151, 154, 347,
352, 354, 363, 368, 369, 371,
377, 379, 380.
Holsters, lxxxii, 364.
Holt, Thomas, 515.
Homer, Jon, 529.
Homes, James, 533.
Wm, 527.
Hood, Benjamin, 526.
John, 563.
Junr., 563.
Zachariah ( Collector under
Stamp Act), xi, Ivi, 190,
Hook, Jacob, 500, 545.
Hooke, Andw., 527.
Samuel, 500.
Hooker, Aquila, 545.
Barney, 544.
Jacob, 545.
Richard, 560.
Richard, Senr, 545.
Richard, son of Richard, 545.
Hookes, Benjamin, 530.
Hooper, Henry, Esqr. (U. H.),
xxvi, xli, 3, 91, 101; sent by
the Upper House, 3, 5, 6,
7, 13, 18, 26, 59, 92, 95, 97,
98, 99, 100, 138, 148, 152,
153, 156, 158.
Henry (Dorchester County),
xlii, 325, 341, 346, 388, 390;
on Comm. of grievances and
courts of justice, 332; votes,
348, 352, 355, 368, 369, 372,
377, 379, 383, 384, 387-
Hoover, Christian, 561.
Hop - - -, Jo[seph], 565.
Hope, James, 550.
James, Sener, 574-
John, 550.
Richard, Junor, 574.
Hopem, William, 542.