Enoch, 573.
Henry, 385.
Isaac, 529.
John, 543, 550.
Richd., 572.
Thomas, 550.
Walter, 575.
Watkins, 530.
William, 573.
William, sener, 550.
Jameson, William, 575.
Jaquery, Samuel, 541.
Jarden, Robart, 564.
Jarman, Henry, 571.
John, 548.
Robert, 549.
William, 548.
Jarreld, Thos., 525.
Jefferson, Thomas, xv-xvi.
Jeffery, Robert, 580.
Samuel, 580.
Jenings, Thomas, 295, 299, 324,
353, 357, 361, 382, 397; see
also East Street.
(Jennings), Thomas (Frede-
rick County), xlii, lxii,
lxxxvi-lxxxvii, 326, 340,
342, 345, 348, 355, 359, 361,
365, 369, 370, 387-388, 406;
on Comm. to enquire into
Paris petition, 366; on
Comm. to estimate amount
and defraying of judges'
salaries, 343; on Comm. of
grievances and courts of
justice, 401; on Comm. to
report on criminal laws,
369; sent by the Lower
House, 302, 377; votes, 347,
352, 355, 363, 368, 371, 377,
379, 38o.
Jenkins, Ignatius, 543.
Jente(s)[?], Jacob, 562.
Jervis, Benjamin, 542.
Jesop, William, 546.
Jinkins, Francis, 579.
Samuel, 579.
Jinnings, William, 575.
Joans, Joseph, 572.
Joens[?], Richard, 560.
-----, Johannes, 527, 529.
--------, John, 527.
Johns, Aquila, 528.
Nathan, 565.
Johnson, Abraham, 579.
Archd., 578.
Barnet, 571, 575.
Benjamin, 546.
Elisha, 512.
• Henry, Clerk, Worcester
County Court, cvii, 511, 512.
Jacob, 532.
James, 95.
Jere:, 560.
John, 509, 578.
Joseph, 569.
Luke, 531.
Nathan, 532.
Robert, 571.
Saml., 569.
Tho., 499.
Thomas, Esqr. (A. A.
County), xliii, lxxxvi, 23,
26, 29, 50, 61, 137, 139, 149,
151, 157, 168, 174, 175, 176,
177, 178, 180, 181, 187, 189,
194, 195, 201, 206, 325, 331,
34i, 342, 343, 345, 348, 355,
359, 36o, 361, 365, 367, 371,
379, 386; on Comm. to
answer the Governor's mes-
sage, lxii, xcv, 139, 206, 211,
213, 34°, 355, 389, 405, 411-
412; on Comm. to answer
the Upper House, 409; on
Comm. on compass varia-
tions, 361; on Comm. to
confer over the Journal of
Accounts, lxv, 106, 112, 176,
181; on Comm. to consider
Provincial judges' salaries,
343; on Comm. to corre-
spond with Charles Garth,
63, 216, 403; on Comm. to
enquire into the Proprie-
tary's receipt of fines and
forfeitures, 23, 195; on
Comm. to enquire into Myar
petition, 27, 29, 50-51; on
Comm. on expiring laws,
xlv, 23, 333; on Comm. to
explain rejection of Indian
petition, 337-338; on Comm.
of grievances and courts of
justice 27, 401; on Comm.
to inspect the public offices
and records, 23, 333; on
Comm. to pay the public
claims, 185-186; on Comm.
to regulate inns and ordi-
naries, xxii, 22; on Comm.
to report on criminal laws,
369; on Comm. to state
facts on Indian affairs, 333-
334, 335-336; a manager of
the lottery, lxvii, 217; mo-
tions by, 25, 53, 174, 176;
sent by the Lower House,
131, 170, 194, 210, 288, 304,
310, 340, 345, 350, 368, 383,
390, 412, 414; votes, 24, 30,
32, 33, 50, 55, 57, 6o, 152,
154, 155, 168, 169, 173, 178,
179, 194, 198, 201, 207, 208,
210, 347, 352, 354, 362, 368,
369, 371, 377, 379, 380, 383,
384, 387, 393, 418.
Thos., Baltimore County, 524,
572, 575-
Thomas, Junr., Baltimore
County, 525.
William, 537, 571, 578.
Sir William, Superintendent
of Indian Affairs, North
America, xliii, lxxviii,
lxxix, 281-282, 286, 326,
327, 329, 333-
Johnston, William, 536.
Jolley, John, 578.
Jones, Amos, 572.
Barrett, 510.
Benjaman, 572.
Benjamin, 536.
Danl., 516.
Elisha, 512, 516.
Ezekiel, 572.
Ezekil, 571.
F., 499.
Gideon (Guideon), 101, 168,
Jacob, 544.
James, 571, 572.
John, 535, 536, 549, 565, 579-
John, Junr., 549.
Jonas, 546.
Joshua, 506, 507, 508, 539-
Mary, 510.
Nich, 541.
Richard, 549.
Thomas, 297, 528, 546, 579-
Thos., 536, 574-
Thomas, mason, 572.
Thomas, Meason, 571.
William, 296, 528, 535, 576.
William, carpenter, 570.
Jones Falls, Iv.
Jonson, Benja. 539.
Jonston, Joseph, 580.
Joppa, Baltimore County, xiv,
lxxxvi, lxxxviii, 298, 306,
522; see also Baltimore
County Court House.
Joppa Warehouse, 244.
ordan, John Morton, Proprie-
tary revenue officer, xxvi,
xxx, xlii.
William, 95.
-----, Joshua, 565.
Jotter, John, 561.
Journey (Jurney), John, 100,
Joyce, Nathan, 7, 8, 10, 47, 50,
52, 68, 531.
William, 546.
Jud, Danell, 574.
Judges, Allowances of, 78.
Salaries of, see Lower House,
Committee to estimate
amount ... of judges' sal-
aries; Court, Provincial,
Judges of.
Judgments, Tax on, xlvi, xlvii,
Juett, Nathanel, 515.
Juries, Summoning of, 76-77.
Jurney, see Journey.
Jurors, Pay of, cvii, 506.
Jury service, Exemptions from,
Justices, county, Pay of, evil,
Justices of the peace, see Debts,
Keen, Hugh, 550.
William, 570.
Keith, William, 551.