Death, Edward, 580.
James, 579.
James, Senr., 580.
Deaver, John, 541.
John, planter, 548.
Richard, 532.
Stephen, 548.
Deavers, Benja, 565.
Deavor, John, joiner, 575.
Debrula, William, 575.
Debt, Imprisonment for, 10, 63,
68ff; see also Prisoners,
Public, Amount of, e, 264.
Debtors, insolvent, Act for the
relief of, xxiv, xl, lxxviii,
26, 33, 58, 118, 181, 187, 190.
Sale of, 72, 251.
Debts, List of, x, xxviii, 12,
54, 55, 57, 108, 109, 123, 167,
193, 264, 322, 323; see
also Accounts, Journal of;
claims, public,
small, Act for the recovery of,
xxxvii, 97, 100, 104, 143,
147, 153, 223 (text).
Decker, Frederick, 551.
Deen, Hugh, 549.
Defendants, non-resident, relief
of creditors against, Bill
for, xl, 181.
delany, John, 545.
Demoss, John, 574.
Denington, Wheler, 543.
Denmitt, William, 537.
Dennie, Simon, 580.
Dennis, Col. John, Justice, Wor-
cester County, 506, 511.
Littleton, 322, 516.
Valentine, deceased, 512.
Dent, Capt. --------,
(Lower House, 1715), 165.
George (Charles County), 92,
139, 154; on Comm. of Ac-
counts, 101, 140; on Comm.
to enquire into Gaither and
Mills petitions, 184; sent by
the Lower House, 103, 113,
121, 170, 185, 195; votes,
151, 154, 155, 168, 169, 173,
178, 179, 194, 198, 200, 207,
208, 210.
Denton, Henry, (Clerk of the
Council, 1715), 165.
John, 548.
William, 527.
Denune, William, 109, 179, 247.
Depresfontaine, John, 542.
Dew, Thos., 548.
Deye, Capt. Thomas Cockey
(Baltimore County), xxxvi,
xlii, lxxxvi, lxxxvii, xci, 17,
137, 178, 194, 325, 342, 343,
379; Protest against elec-
tion of, xci, 371, 372, 378;
sent by the Lower House,
103, 105, 120, 173, 194, 329;
votes, 24, 30, 32, 33, 50, 55,
57, 6o, 152, 154, 155, 168,
169, 173, 178, 179, 195, 199,
200, 207, 208, 210, 347, 352,
355, 362, 368, 369, 377-
Dick, James, Agent under the
£40,000 Act, 115; Commis-
sioner of the Loan Office, e.
Robert, 307, 389.
Thomas, 499.
Dickerson, Edmond, 508.
Josiah, 508.
Nehemiah, 516.
Dickeson, Brittingham, 539.
Peter, 516.
Dickinson, Charles, Esquire, of
Dorchester County, lxxix.
James (Talbot County), 325,
341, 342; on Comm. of ac-
counts, 332; on Comm. on
compass variations, 361; on
Comm. to enquire into
Bromwell petitions, 349,
365-366; on Comm. to in-
spect the payment of the
public claims, xlv, 284, 321-
323, 332; sent by the Lower
House, 319, 320, 412, 415;
votes, 348, 352, 354, 363, 368,
369, 371, 377, 379, 380, 383,
384, 387, 393, 4i8.
Dickson, James, 578.
Morriss, 570.
Dieffenbach, Michel, 500.
Diehl, Philip, 557.
Diel, Christian, 542.
Dietz, Miechel, 558.
Digges, Edwd., 561.
Dilley, John, Ju., 557.
Dilli, Hannes, 557.
Dilling, James, 558.
Dimmitt, Aquilla, 544.
Jas., 544.
Dinsmoor, James, 533.
Robt, 558.
Dirickson, Capt. John, Justice,
Worcester County, 505, 5°6,
Capt. Joseph, 510.
Disputed elections, see Balti-
more County, Disputed elec-
tions in.
Ditto, Abraham, 544.
William, 544.
Dixon, Thos., 515.
Dobens, Robt., 570.
Dochterman, Michael, 534.
Dockery, William, 297.
Dodge, John, 542.
Dogs, useless, act to prevent
..... the multiplicity of, Act
to repeal, xxxvii, 121, 123,
135, 142, 146, 179, 180, 193,
194, 198, 199, 22O, 241.
Dolby, Peter, 509.
Dollars, Value of, in pounds,
xii, xxxix, 219, 265, 385.
Donahue, Gilbert, 577.
Donavin, John, 570.
Doncastle. see Duncastle.
Donnelly, francis, 579.
Donnely, John, 543.
Donnoly, Phelix, 579.
Donoho, William, 515.
Donohue, Daniel, 574.
Donovan, Daniel, 500.
Doran, James, 543.
Dorchester County, 97, 99, 1 10,
223; delegates of, xix, xlv,
4, 17, zoo, 119, 203, 325,
341; petition of sundry in-
habitants of, 290, 348.
Dorchester Parish, Dorchester
County, lxx.
Dorgherty, James, 515.
Dorling, Mones, 541.
Dorman, Matthew, 511.
Dorrmbach, Cornrath, 557.
Dorsey, Caleb, 119, 192.
Charles, 545.
Charles, son Natn., 545.
David, 563.
Edward, of BC, 544.
Edw., son of John, 545.
Elisha, 532.
Ely, 544-
George, 564.
Greenbury, Junr., 568.
Henry, 545.
Henry, Junr., 552.
Henry Griffith, Senr, 560.
James, 545.
John, 545.
John Hammond, xxvi, xci,
347, 348, 370, 37i, 372, 378,
Lancelott, 545.
Leakin, 560.
Natn., 545.
Nicholas, Senr., 545.
Nicholes, Junr, 544.
Saml., Jun., 548.
Vachel, 545.
Dortrige, Wm., 575.
Dougherty, Henery, 571.
Hugh, 536.
Douglass, William, 95, 247.
Dourham, Joshua, 570.
Dover, Talbot County, see also
Road, Hunting Creek.
Dower rights, Settlement in bar
of, 292, 293; see also Dar-
nall petition,
downey, Alexander, 574.
William, 574.
Downing, Fran., 543.
Downs, Ann, 509.
Robert, 509.
Thos., 577.
William, 575.
downy, thomas, 526.
Doyl, John, 562.
Draisch, Jacob, 557.
Draper, John, 572.
Dreaddon, John, 515.
Drew, Anthony, 571.
Driggus, Levinah, 511.
Drown, William, 297.
Drugan, Patrick, 95, 297; see