Drum sticks, lxxxii, 364.
Drumbo, Petro, 542.
Drums, lxxxii, 364.
Ducket, John, Transcription of
L. H. Votes & Proceedings
by, 1704-1715, 318, 319, 320,
321, 323, 405, 409, 414.
Duckett, John, Junr., Qerk to
the committee to confer over
the Journal of Accounts,
112, 113, 139, 181, 219.
John, Clerk to Lower House
committees, xxvi, xliv, 331-
332, 405.
Thomas, Clerk to the Comm.
of accounts, xxi, xxvi, 23-23,
Duer, Ezekiel, 509.
Joseph, 542.
Duffield, Ratchford, 95.
Dugan (Drugan), Thomas, 97,
Duke, Charles, 546.
Christor., 547.
William, 510.
Dukes, Christopher, 547.
Dulany, Daniel, The Elder, 31,
51, 67.
Daniel, Esqr. [The Younger]
(U. H.) x, xxii, xxv, xxvi,
xxx, xxxv, xli, 1, lxxji, 3,
91, 113, 121, 281, 287, 293,
294, 301, 314; Objection of,
to Darnall petition, xiv,
xcvii, 292-293; on Comm.
to answer the Governor's
speech, 283; on Comm. of
conference on the journal
of accounts, lxv, 106, 107,
108-109, in, 175, 181, 182,
183; motions by, 100, 289;
Secretary of the Province,
lxix, 87, 277, 506; sent by
the Upper House, 5, 7, 12,
24, 26, 32, 53, 64, 91, 93,
97, 99, 101, 103, 104, 105,
IO6, IOQ, III, 122, 125, 138,
144, 152, 156, 158, 167, 172,
173, 174, 179, l85, 197, 209,
28l, 294, 295, 304, 308, 326,
329, 351, 352, 353, 389-
Walter, 51; xxvi, xli, 277,
281, 287, 294, 301, 314; on
Comm. to answer the Gov-
ernor's speech, 283; on
Comm. to inspect the pay-
ment of the public claims,
xlv, 285, 321-323, 335; sent
by the Upper House, 281,
288, 295, 301, 309, 310, 315,
323, 326, 343, 353, 373, 386,
391, 398, 406, 419.
Duley, Aquila, 578.
Duncan, John, 506, 507.
Duncastle (Doncastle), John,
lxxvii, 95, 122, 125, 126, 197,
201, 203, 288.
Dungan, Benja., Jr., 541.
Dunham, Lewis, 576.
Dunkan, Benja, 562.
Dunkin, Henry, 580.
Dunlevy, Anthony, 95, 247.
Dunlop, William, 543.
Dunn, Arthur, 560.
Henry, 528.
James, 527.
Robt, 579.
Durben, Thos., 578.
Durbin, John, 562.
Thos., 577-
Durham, Abraham, 547.
Aquilla, 575.
David, 575, 578.
James, 575.
John, 575.
John, Plaster, 570.
Joshua, 575.
Mordeca, 569, 575.
Patt, 544-
Saml., 575.
Saml. Junr., 575.
Duskin, Daniel, 570.
Duskins, Daniell, 576.
Duvall, Aquila, 542.
Eleanor, 307, 389, 402.
Dye, Jonathan, 297.
Dyer, Josias, 547-
Eagle, Thomas, 532.
Eaglestone, A., 564.
Beniamin, 547.
Thomas, 547.
Eagon, Hugh, 544.
Earle, Michael (Cecil County),
92, 139, 149, 153, 181; on
Comm. of accounts, 101,
140; on comm. to inspect
the Loan Office, 107, 115,
118, 177; sent by the Lower
House, 107, in, 114, 124,
132, 177, 184, 187, 201; votes,
154, 155, 168, 169, 173, 178,
179, 194, 198, 201, 207, 208,
Easom, Benjamin, 510.
East Street, Annapolis, Act con-
cerning, liv, 295, 299, 315,
324, 357, 361, 368, 369, 397,
398, 419, 420, 460 (text);
see also Jenings, Thomas.
Eastern Shore, Treasurer of,
13, 59, 155-
Ebard, Andrew, 550.
Ebaugh, see Ybach.
Ebert, John, 527.
Eden, John (St. Mary's
County), 284, 334, 341, 347;
on Comm. to inspect the
payment of the public
claims, 321-323, 381; sent by
the Lower House, 285, 297,
318, 337, 359, 400, 405;
votes, 347, 352, 354, 362, 368,
369, 37i, 377, 379, 38o, 383,
384, 387, 392, 418.
Edmiston, Rev. Mr. [William,
Chaplain] of the Lower
House, xliv-xlv, 332.
Edmondson (Edmonson, Ed-
mundson), Pollard (Talbot
County), 21, 53, 96, 149,
181, 184 186, 196; on
Comm. of elections and
privileges, 155, 203; sent by
the Lower House, 97, 100,
106, 109, 131, 153, 170, 176,
211; votes, 24, 30, 32, 33,
50, 151, 154, 155, 168, 169,
173, 178, 179, 199, 200, 207,
2O8, 210.
Edmonson, see Edmondson.
Edmundson, see Edmondson.
Edwards, Edward, 530.
[E]wd, 527.
Ignatius, 296.
John, 524.
Thomas, 549.
Wm., 525.
Eedef?], William, 543.
Eichilberger, Fridrich, 561.
Elder, John, 544.
Robert, 579.
Election, Contested, see also
Dorsey, John Hammond;
Ridgely, Charles, Junr., et
Election, Writs of, xcii, 20, 196,
380; see also counties by
Elections, Regulations concern-
ing, 417-418.
Elis, John, 570.
Elk Ridge Landing Warehouse,
245, 343, 350.
Elkinson, James, 559.
Ellegood (Ellgood), William,
Justice, Worcester County,
505, 506, 509, 510, 511.
Elleiot, James, 573.
Ellets, Wm., 572.
Elliott, James, 152, 385.
Thomas, 573.
Ellis, John, 576.
Wm., 516.
Eliot, Mebrel, 573.
Eltrorbach, Mich, 559.
Elwood, John, 296.
Emersons Landing Warehouse,
Engel, Michael, 529.
England, Abraham, 528.
English, Robart, 551.
English liberties, Insistence of
Maryland on, 330, 407, 415,
Ennalls, Col. Henry, lxxix.
Col. William, deceased, lxxx,
337, 339-
Ennis, Samuel, 508.
Ensor, Abraham, 538.
Abrham, 538.
George, 538.
George, Juner, 537.
John, Senr., 525.
John, Junr., Coroner, Balti-
more County, 298.
John, son of Abrham, 538.