and Baltimore, liii, 288, 289,
294, 342, 344, 345, 346, 421
(text); Length of sittings
°f, 317, 4°3', see <dso Rg"
plevin, Writs of; Trial of
matters of fact; Appren-
tices, Act to ... bind out.
See also Appearance Court.
Covenever, David, Petition of,
303, 389-
Coventry Parish, Somerset and
Worcester Counties, xx,
lxx, lxxii, cviii, 513-517.
Cowan, Alexr., 575.
Cowen, Wm., 565.
Cowper, John, 546.
Cox, Jacob, 531.
James, 541.
John, 551.
Samul, 515.
William, 540.
William (miller), lxxxvii,
Cradock, Arthur, 534.
John, 534.
Rev. Thomas, 534.
John, 573.
Crage, Benjn., 527.
Crapper, Jesse, 510.
Crawford, Alexander, 297.
Robert, 579-
Craymer, Henry, 529.
Creighton, John, 574.
Cresap, Col. Thomas (Frederick
County), 26, 326, 342, 345,
369, 370; on Comm. on arms
and ammunition, 346; on
Comm. to enquire into Myar
petition, 27, 29; on Comm.
to enquire into Paris peti-
tion, 366; on Comm. of
grievances and courts of
j ustice, 27, 332; sent by the
Lower House, 296, 309, 359,
370, 390; votes, 30, 33, 50,
55, 57, 60, 347, 352, 355, 363,
368, 369, 371, 377, 379, 380,
383, 384, 387, 392, 418.
Creswel, Mathew, 570.
Creswell, Samuel, 105, 173, 247.
Cretin, John, 578.
Patrick, 539.
Cretine, John, of Deere Creek,
Cridginton, George, 543.
Cripple, Eduard, 576.
Crockett, Gilbert, 569.
Croeson, Garret, 572.
Croft, Henery, 579.
Cromwe[ll], Jacob, 527.
John, 539.
Joseph, 535.
Josenh, Senior, 535.
Joseph, Jun., 537.
Nathan, 535.
Oliver, 531.
Richard, 536.
Stephen, 535.
William, 385.
Wm., 524.
William, Jun., 537.
Crook, Joseph, 548.
Crooks, Henry, 534.
Cropper, John Chambers, 507.
Crosbye, John, 559.
Crosh, Conrod, 150.
Cross, Henry, Junr, 532.
John, 538, 560.
Richard, 551.
Robert, 560.
Solamon, 538.
William, 560.
Crottingar, Henry, 557.
Crows and squirrels, act for
destroying, Act to repeal,
97, 98, 99, 142, 146, 152, 155,
156, 222-223 (text).
Croxall, Chas., 541.
Richard, 549,
Cruchly, Richard, 563.
Cudbear works, Scotland, lxxi,
Cug[?], John, 549.
Cullin, Jacob, 516.
John, 515.
Cullings, Thomas, 538.
Cullins (Collins), Isaac, 95, 247.
Culver, Beniamin, 577.
Robert, 577.
Cumings, John, 551.
Gumming (Cunning), William,
95, 247-
Cuningham, Clotworthy, 578.
John, 576.
Robert, 577.
Thomas, 550.
Cunliffe, Ellis, of Liverpool, 365.
Foster, 365.
Robert, 365.
Cunning, see Gumming.
Curlagh, Willom, 533.
Curren, Elizabeth, 510.
Curtis, Benjamin, 547.
Daniel, 524.
James, 516.
John, 536.
Gushing, Thomas, Speaker,
Massachusetts house of rep-
resentatives, lix, lxii, 334,
Customs, frauds in, Act for pre-
venting, see Tobacco, stable
of, Act for amending.
Cutlasses, lxxxii, 364.
Dacon, George, 536.
Daffin, Geo., 536.
Daggers, lxxxii, 364.
Dagworthy, Col. John, 399.
John, Justice, Worcester
County, 506.
Dailey, Tooley, 531.
Daker, Christian, 557.
Dakes, James, 515.
dakes, Jesse, 517.
Dale, Archibald, Junr., 509.
John, 512, 573, 575.
Dallam, Josias Wm., 578.
Richd., 569.
Dammit, William, Jun., 573.
Danner, Michael, 561.
Dansey, John, 167.
Darbe, Robart, 574.
Darnall, Henry, junior et als,
Petition of, 288, 289, 291-
292 (text), 293, 294 349.
Mary, 288, 292, 349; act to
enable, to enter into mar-
riage settlement, xiv, xlix,
liv, xcvi-xcvii, 293, 294, 349,
350, 351, 402, 422-423
Rachell, 288, 349.
Robert, 288, 294, 349, 352.
Sarah (Rider), Mrs. Robert,
lxxix, lxxxi, 294, 352.
Dart, John, 301.
Dashiel, Thomas (Somerset
County), 325, 341, 350, 359,
365, 366; sent by the Lower
House, 296; votes, 347, 354,
Dashiell (Dashiel), Joseph
(Worcester County), 326,
34i, 350, 367- 388, 390, 505;
votes, 347, 352, 355, 362,
368, 369, 371, 377, 379, 38o,
383, 384, 387.
Daubigny, -----, 385.
Daughaday, Jno, 525.
Richd., 538.
Daughters, Mary, 510.
Davis, -----, 297.
Christian, 549.
Daniel (blacksmith), xxv. 31,
50, 51, 66, 67, 68.
David, 385, 578.
Fs., Ser., 564.
Ignatius, 540.
Jenkins, 541.
John, lxxvii, 5, 8, 10, 24, 47,
50, 52, 95, 247, 385, 550.
John (Wiccocomoco), 509,
S", 512-
Levin, 511.
Nathl., 534.
Nathaniel, 562.
Richard, 560.
Robert, 562.
Thomas, 297, 524, 547.
William, 542, 548.
Davisen, Joseph, 551.
Dawes, Francis, 551.
Dawson, Joseph, 515.
Day, Edwd., 569.
Jon., son of Edwd., 569.
Richard, 296.
Thomas, 206.
Deacon, Francis, 574.
Deale (Deal), John, 7, 27, 68.
William, 576.
Deall, William, 571.
Dean, Jacob, 560.
Deans, Hugh, 569.