Chisholm, Thos., 544.
Chocke, Jno., 573.
Jorshua, 573.
Chopman, Nathan, 562.
Choptank River, Indian lands
on, 336, 337-
Chraise, Philliph, 559.
Chressman, John, 544.
Chrissman, Fridrick, 560.
Christ Church Parish, Queen
Anne's County, xxxvi,
lxxiii, 101.
Christie, Robt., Junr., 536.
Clabaugh, Frederick, 297.
Clagett, Nichs., 524.
Claims, public, Act for the pay-
ment of, xii, xxviii, xxxii,
c-ci, 120, 122-123, 126-127,
128, 132, 136, 185-186, 191,
193, 197, 201, 204, 205-206,
209, 210, 213, 214, 215, 219,
220, 264-275 (text).
Commissioners for paying of,
284, 318, 321, 322, 381, 405.
Clairy, John, 530.
Qake, William, 579.
Clamps (parts of cannon), 364.
Clapham, John, Commissioner
for emitting bills of credit,
Clark, Aquilla, 573.
dial lea, $<J4.
David, 95, 247, 570. >
John, 560.
Neall, 564.
Richard, 95, 247, 561.
,Robert, 571.
Thomas, 564.
Clarke, George, 573.
John, 527.
Robert, 573.
Saml., 547.
Will, 565.
Clarkson, James, 95, 247.
Clats, Edward, 537.
Clay, Alexr, 579.
Benjamin, 564.
John, 296.
Claywell, Ezekiel, 297.
Cleave, Gideon, 550.
Clement, Stephen, 559.
Clements, John, 536.
Cloriss, Welham, 541.
duff, Jonathan, 516.
Michl., 516.
Co - - -, Will, 565.
Coale, Philip, 561, 565.
Samuel, 528.
Skipwith, 565.
Willm., 526.
Wm., Jur., 572.
Coats, Thomas Js., 531.
Cochiell, Presley, 296.
Cockey, Edwd., 531.
John, 524.
Tho., 524.
Cole[?], Jakob, 560.
Cole, Jas., 500.
Joseph, 551.
Richard, 538.
Robert, 540.
Salathiel, 526.
Thos, 531-
Thomas, Jr., 530.
William, 543.
Wm., Senr., 558.
Colegate, John, 526.
Richd., 530.
Colems, Moes, 574.
Coles, Abraham, 530.
Colet, Mosis, 538.
Collens, Morres, 574.
Collett, Daniel, 532.
Edward, 546.
Richard, 33.
Collier, Kendall, 506.
Ceilings (Collins), Charles, 101,
1 68, 247.
Collins, John, 509, 515; see also
Cullins; Collings.
Comly, James, Ju, 531.
Commissary, Office of, 33, 34,
Records in office of, lxxxiii
40-46, 62, 356.
Commissioners for the payment
of the public claims, 122.
Common law, Insistence of
Maryland on, 331.
Compass variations, xliv, xlix,
^8i!, z80, 327, 339, 350, 359,
361, 375, 376; see also
Boundary disputes.
Con, Wm., 527.
Conaway, Aquilla, 531.
Charles, 552.
John, 552.
Condon, John, 528.
Conference chamber, lxxxi, 364.
Conhold, William, 296.
Conner, Daniel, 510.
James, 545.
Lawr, 540.
William, 516.
Connoly, Lonn, 543.
-----, Conrad, 557.
Conrath, Conrath, 500, 542.
Constable, T [ho] mas, 525.
Contee, Thomas, 367.
Conveyances, Act for enrolling,
xxxiv, xxxvii, no, in, 123,
135, 174, 181, 185, 186, 198,
199, 220, 233-235 (text).
Requirement for the enroll-
ment of, 233.
Conway, Mr. Secretary [Henry
Seymour], xxi, lix, 189, 212.
Cook, Jeremiah, 577.
John, 526, 544-
Thomas, 206, 537.
Cooke Mr. Robt., 572.
Cookson, Samuel, 529.
Petition of, 288, 296, 360.
Cooper, Henry, 571.
John, 563.
Copeland, George, 568.
Copes, Thomas, 507.
Copying, Cost of, 219.
Corbin, Beniamen, 533.
Edward, 533.
Edward, Juner, 539.
John, 538.
Nathan, 531.
Nicholas, 532.
Vinson, 532.
William, 532.
Cord, Abraham, 574.
Amos, 577.
Asbery, 568.
Cordray, Martha, 510.
Cornelius, John, 533.
Cornwall, John, 297.
Cosgrif, Felixe, 572.
Gotham, John, 510.
Cotner, Jacob, 557.
Cotterall, Thos., 546.
Cotterill, Henry, 561.
John, 548.
Cottingham, Daniel, 507.
Couden, Robert, Clerk to the
comm. to inspect the Loan
Office, 115.
See also Richardson, Thomas.
Coudon, Robert, Commissioner
for emitting bills of credit,
Coulbourn, Benjamin, 515.
Elijah, 515.
Rachel, 515.
Robert, 515.
William, 515.
William, Jnr., 515.
Council, Clerk of, accounts of,
lxxxiv, lxxxv, 23.
Salary and fees of, x, xxviii,
lxiv, lxv, lxvii, ci, 12, 58,
102, 108-109, 122, 129, 163,
182, 269-271.
See also Upper House, Clerk
of; Accounts, Journal of,
conference committee on;
Councilman, George, 544.
Counterfeiting, Penalty for, 267.
Counterfeits, Burning of, e, 117.
Counties, Allowances from, to
Jonas Green, 238; expenses
of, Allocation of fines and
forfeitures toward, 30.
Court, Provincial, Clerk of, 87;
see also Ghiselin, Reverdy.
Judges of, Act to regulate
commissions and salaries of,
343, 344, 348, 375, 383;
Justices of, to hear and de-
termine matters of fact, 75;
Time for meeting of, 81.
Court party, see Proprietary
Courtenay, Hers., 541.
Courts, Act to continue & re-
vive actions in, xxiv, 14, 15,
25, 53, 60, 61, 63, 65, 83-85
(text); Printing and dis-
tribution of, lxxxv, 64; see
also Green, Jonas.
Courts, County, Act to adjourn
and continue Talbot, Cecil,