John, 508.
Leonard, 535.
Samuel, 572.
William, 571.
Canlee, Colmer, 576.
Cannel, Michael, 529.
Cannon, lxxxii, 364.
Cannon, Elijah, 506.
Jacob, ferry keeper, 510.
Jno., 543.
Joseph, 509.
Cape Henry, 334.
Carback, harry, 546.
Henry, 546.
Vallentine, 547.
Carbines, lxxxii, 364.
Carehart, Adam, 540.
Carlile, John, 539.
Carlin, Daniel, 578.
Carlisle, Peter, 573.
Carman, John, 538.
Carmichael, Duncan, 539.
Carnan, Christopher, xci, 371,
385, 500, 525.
Jno., 500.
Caroll, Peter, 576.
Carr, Daniel, 563.
Carriage wheels, Tax on, xlvi,
344, 347-
Carrick, Samuel, 391.
Carriere, Antoine, 527.
Carroll, Charles, Barrister, A
manager of the lottery,
lxvii, 217.
Charles, of Carrollton, Mar-
riage of, xiv, xlix, xcvi-
xcvii; see also Darnall,
Mary, Act to enable to enter
into marriage settlement.
James, 576.
James, Juner, 576.
William, 572.
Carson, Hugh, 543.
Carten, John, 560.
Carter, Moses, 297.
Richd., 528.
William, 500, 542.
Cartey, Samuel, 574.
Cartouch boxes, lxxxii 364.
Caruthers, Georg, 570.
Gary, James, 500.
Casey, Daniel, 511.
Casson, Henry & Co., Petition
of, 30i, 373.
Cathell, James, 507.
Jonathan, 507, 509.
Catholics, see Papists.
Cator, Wm. S., 577.
Cecil County, Court of, adjourn-
ment and continuance of,
288, 289, 294, 342, 344, 345.
Court House of, Petition for
the removal of 288, 343, 346.
Delegates of, 92, 93, in, 283,
284, 325, 327, 342.
Chaille, Peter (Worcester
County), 21, 52; votes, 24,
30, 32, 33, 50.
Chalmers, John, 529.
Chamberlain, John, 544.
Philip, 544.
Sammuel, 544.
Thomas, 544.
Chamberlaine (Chamberlain,
Chamberlayne), Samuel (U.
H.), xli, xlii, 3, 287, 294,
301, 308.
Naval officer of Oxford, 290-
291, 348-349.
Sent by the Upper House, 5,
7, 12, 15, 23, 47, 58, 64, 290,
291, 204, 302, 307, 308, 348,
350, 351, 374, 375, 389-.
Chamier, Daniel, of Baltimore
Town, 96.
Daniel, Sheriff, Baltimore
County, lxxxvii, xcii, 298,
Chancery Office, 269.
Chancey, George, Jun, 574.
Chandler, Rev. Thomas Bradley,
lxxii, cviii, 513, 514, 515-
Chanscy, George, 570.
Chapline, Capt. Joseph (Fred-
erick County), 18, 137, 159,
296, 342, 359, 383.
Sent by the Lower House,
no, 118, 181, 190.
Votes, 24, 3°, 32, 33, 50, 55,
57, 6o, 151, 154, 155, 168,
169, 173, 178, 179, 195, 199,
200, 207, 208, 210, 363, 368,
377, 380, 384.
Chapman, James, 560.
John, 528, 546.
Joshua, 539.
Rezin, 544.
Robert, 550.
Charge, George, 546.
Charles County, Delegates of,
xlv, 17, 92, 283, 287, 329,
337, 341, 342.
Justices of, no, 113, 135, 167,
180, 183, 185, 186, 220.
Charles Town, Cecil County,
Chase, Samuel, Esqr. (Anna-
polis & Anne Arundel
County), xlii, xliii, lxii,
lxxxvi, 17, 22, 25, 26, 50,
137, 139, M9, 168, 174, 175,
176, 178, 181, 187, 189, 193,
194, 195, 197, 206, 325, 341,
342, 343, 345, 346, 348, 355,
361, 369, 370, 382, 383, 405;
on Comm. to answer the
Upper House, 409; on
Comm. to enquire into the
Proprietary's receipt of
fines and forfeitures, xxi,
21, 195; on Comm. to esti-
mate amount and defraying
of judges salaries, 343, 344;
on Comm. on expiring laws,
22; on Comm. of grievances
and courts of justice, 27;
on Comm. to inspect the
public records, 18, 333; on
Comm. to license hawkers
and pedlars, xxii. 22; on
Comm. to pay the public
claims, 185-186; on Comm.
to report on criminal laws,
369; a manager of the lot-
tery, lxvii, 217; Motions by,
153, 168, 181; sent by the
Lower House, 7, 105, 175,
299, 3io, 332, 368, 300;
votes, 24, 30, 50, 55, 57, 6o,
152, 154, 155, 168, 169, 173,
178, 179, 194, 198, 201, 207,
208, 210, 352, 354, 362, 368,
369, 37i, 377, 379, 38o, 383,
384, 388, 392, 418.
Thomas, 499, 537.
Chatham, Earl of, see Pitt,
Chauncey, James, 571.
John, 571.
Chelsea Hospital (London,
Eng.), 392.
Cheney, Benjamin Burgess, 538.
Chenoweth, Arthur, Jr., 528.
Jo., 533-
John, 562.
Jon, Sr., 560.
Richard, 550.
Richd., Junr, 550.
Sa, 560.
Chenowith, Jo., 525.
Thos., 543.
Chester Parish, Kent County,
Act to build vestry house &
enclose yard, lxxiii, 99, 100,
104, 144, I5i, 155, 156, 158,
225-227 (text).
Act supplementary to act to
erect, liii, lxxiv-lxxv, 302,
303-304, 307, 309, 313, 357,
375, 380-386, 391, 395, 396,
432-436 (text).
Nomination of tobacco inspec-
tors by, 244.
Petition of vestry and war-
dens, xxxvi, lxxiv, S, 24,
25 (rejected), 93, 144, 151,
287, 343, 345-
Chester Town, Petition of the
inhabitants of, 287, 343, 344,
Chesterfield, Earl of, lix, 189.
Chestertown, Market in, Act to
continue act for, liv, 302,
308, 309, 363, 373, 375, 377,
388, 391, 395, 396, 440-441
Chew, Benjamin, Register Gen-
eral of Pennsylvania, 73.
John, of - - - -, 543-
Chickamuxon Warehouse, 245.
Chickens Bridge, Queen Anne's
County, lxxv, 464.
Chilcoat, John, 538.
Chilcote, Humphrey, 538.
Joshua, 538.
Roberson, 538.
Chiles, George, 529.