Brawnly, Joseph, 579.
Bread, see Barrels, gauge of.
Breitenbach, Johannes, 559.
Brian, Wm., 526.
Briant, James, 546.
Bribery, 418; see also Treating
in elections.
Brice, John, Esqr., deceased, liv,
Brickell, William, 577.
Brickerton, John, 568.
Bridges, 374.
Briscoe, John, 297.
Britten, Abraham, 543.
Brittingham, Isaac, Junr., 507.
John, 512.
Nathan, 507.
Purnell, 516.
Rachel, 510.
Britton, Nicholas, 524.
Broad Arrow, liii, 448.
Broad Creek, Somerset County,
Chapel of ease on, lxxv.
Indian lands on, lxxix, lxxxi,
336, 338-
Broad Creek Warehouse, 511,
Brobeck, Ulrich, 536.
Bromadge, Samuel, 540.
Brombly, Littleton, 5, 25, 68.
Bromwell, Edward, of Talbot
County, Petition of, 289,
348, 349, 365-366, 373-
Jacob, of Oxford, liv, 365.
Jacob, Jr., liv, 366.
Mary, 366.
Spedding of Talbot County,
Act to confirm land to, liv,
306, 308, 373, 382, 386, 388,
3Qi, 393, 454 (text); Peti-
tion of, 289, 348, 349, 365-
366, 373.
Brooke, Clement, 537.
Brookes, Francis, 543.
Brooks, Charles, 530.
Humphrey, 535.
James, Clerk to Comm. to
inspect the payment of the
public claims, 321.
Samuel, 530.
Brothers, Francis, 531.
Nathal, 560.
Broughton, J., 515.
William, 517.
Brown, Abel, Sen., 534.
Abell, 551.
Abell, Junr., 538.
David, 537, 540.
Dixson, 547.
Dr. Gustavus, Port Tobacco,
Hen, 541.
Jacob, 542, 545-
James, 307, 529, 545.
John, 552, 559.
John, son of Abell, 551.
John Alexander, 297.
Rev. Richard, xlvii-xlviii, lxx,
Robert, 540.
Saml., 541.
Solomon, 578.
Thomas, 568.
William, 530, 558.
Browne, Edward, 538.
george, 530.
Jno, 578.
Wm., son of george, 530.
Brownlee, Thos., 549.
Bruff, Thomas, 515.
Bruffs Landing Warehouse, 244.
Brunts, John, 544.
Bryarly, John, 574.
Robt, 579.
Bryerly, Thomas, 570.
Buchanan, Andrew, 499, 531,
Geo:, 527.
James, 526.
John, London, 115.
Buchannan, Archibald, lxxxix,
Robert (Kent County),
lxxxvi, lxxxvii, 17, 29, 49,
92, 140, 150, 153, 196, 325,
341, 344, 348, 350, 354; on
Comm. to consider Provin-
cial judges' salaries, 343; on
Comm. to inspect the pay-
ment of the public claims,
321-323, 381; sent by the
Lower House, 125, 202, 215,
302, 306, 318, 374, 375, 386,
396, 406; votes, 24, 30, 32,
33, 199, 200, 207, 208, 210,
348, 355, 362, 368, 369, 372,
377, 379, 38o, 383, 384, 387,
392, 418.
Buchen, Heinrich zur, 557.
Bucingham, Thos, 544.
Buck, Beniaman, 547.
Buck, John, 385, 525.
Buckingham, Benj, Ser., 545.
Benjamin, Jur., 545.
John, Jur., 545.
Buckinham, John, Sener, 545.
Thomas, 563.
William, 545.
Buckler, Benjamin, 301.
Budd, George, 574.
Saml., 569.
Bugber, Isaac, 100.
Buley, Joseph, 578.
Bull, Constantine, 559.
Edmund, 576.
Jacob, 5/6-
John, 579.
William, 576.
Bullet moulds, 364.
Bunting, William, 385.
Buntinge, Wm., 575.
Burges, Hugh, 541.
Burgess, Joseph, 542.
Burk, Muck[?], 532.
Thomas, 538.
William, 528.
John, 557.
Burton, Joseph, 538.
Willm, 532.
Busey, Bennett, 573.
Busk, James, 547.
Bussey, Thos, 573.
Butler, Absalom, 526.
Amon, 529.
Grace, 510.
Henry, 563.
Mary, 511.
Thomas, 297.
Buyer, Adam, 527.
Melkier, 527.
C - - - -, Wendel, 557.
Cain, dines [Dennis?], 578.
James, 579.
Calder, James, of Hunting
Ridge, Mathematician, xlvi,
xlix, lxxxii, 285-286, 339,
361, 375-376.
Mrs. James, assault on, 285,
Caldwell, James, 542.
John, 541.
Joshua, 509.
Calhoun, Jas., 561.
Callender, John, 570.
Robert, 570.
Calvert, Benedict, Esqr. (U.
H.), xxvl, xli, 3, 91, 92,
121, 281, 287, 294, 301, 314;
on Comm. to inspect the
Loan Office, xcix-c, 107,
115-118, 177; on Comm. to
inspect the payment of the
public claims, xlv, 285, 321-
323, 335; sent by the Upper
House, 8, 9, 14, 15, 47, 53,
61, 64, gi, 96, 98, 99, 100,
101, 103, 106, 107, 121, 122,
124, 125, 126, 127, 131, 132,
133, 135, 138, 150, 153, 156,
157, 175, 177, 190, 196, 197,
199, 202, 204, 2O9, 2 1 0, 214,
219, 28l, 285, 289, 206, 297,
301, 313, 3l6, 320, 326, 346,
349, 357, 361, 373, 395, 396,
401, 406, 409, 414.
Cecilius, first Lord Baltimore,
John, 535.
Calvert County, no.
Delegates of, xlv, 17, 120, 284,
325, 333, 341-
Calvert Street, Baltimore,
lxxxix, 442.
Calvin, Philip, 573.
Calwell, Saml. 575.
Cambden, Lord, see Pratt,
Cambell, John, Junr., 540.
Gamble, Robt., 573.
Campball, John Roberts, 538.
Campbell, Daniel, 572.
Ebenezer, 506, 508.
Eli, 508.
George, 526.
James, 544.