584 Jndex.
Benedict Hundred, Charles
Blackburn, John, 569.
report on criminal laws,
County, Petition of the in-
Richard, 297.
369; sent by the Lower
habitants of, lxxiv, 97, no,
Bladen, Gov. Thomas, 161.
House, 289, 302, 304, 346,
H3. r35, 152, 167, 180, 220,
Blades, Elizabeth, 509.
374, 375, 378, 381, 396;
231; see also Trinity Parish.
John, 516.
votes, 348, 352, 355, 368, 369,
Benett, William, 563.
Blake, Mrs., of Queen Anne's
372, 377, 379, 380, 383, 384,
Bennet, John, 578.
County, xciv.
387, 392.
Peter, 578.
Blay, Mr. [William] (Lower
Thomas, 258.
Bennett, Edward, 6, 26, 68.
House, 1715), 166.
Boreing, Absalom, 537.
Lancelot, 559.
[?]ble, Jorg, 559-
James, 552.
Richard, 575.
Bleakleay, Thomas, 573.
William, 551.
Thos., 535.
Bleany, Thomas, 571.
Boring, Reubin, 551.
Bennington, Wm., 579.
Blei-schmidt[?], ———— , 559.
William, 527.
Benson, John, 297.
Blizard, William, 558.
Born, Michael, 557.
Bentley, John, 562.
Blohman, William, 559.
Migel, 559.
William, 562.
Bluherodt, Henrich, 559.
Sorter, Phillip, 562.
Benz, Christoff, Senr, 572.
Ely, Robert, 564.
Bosel, James, 525.
Berger, Diter, 562.
Boardsman, William, 578.
Bosell, Wm., 526.
Beridges, Robert, 539.
Bohm, Phillip, 557.
Bosley, James, 530.
Bernitz, Daniel, 500.
Bond, Benjamin, 562.
John, Juner, 528.
Bernnett, Samuel, 528.
Buchler, 576.
Josh., Junr., 564.
Berry, David, 580.
Daniel, 540.
Vincent, 550.
John, lxxvii, 5, 8, 24, 25, 47,
Jac:[ob?], 573-
Wm, 543.
52, 68.
Jacob, Junr., 570.
Bosly, Elijah, 537.
Beton, William, 577.
John, 385, 537, 538, 548.
Bosnian, Edward, 526.
Betty, Arthur, 558.
Josa., 576.
Boston, Jacob, 516.
Sevan, John, 549.
Joshua, 531.
Boston Gazette, lxii.
Beyer, Adam, 562.
Luke, 575.
Bott, John, 568.
Henrych, 561.
Peter, 535.
Botts, George, 577.
Biddison, Jarvis, 529, 538.
Richard, 551.
John, 562.
Biggs, Willm. Monty, 549.
Saml., 530.
Boucher, Thos., 544.
Billingham, Isaac, Junr., 507.
Thomas, 540, 578.
Boundary disputes, Importance
Billingslea, Walter, 571.
Thomas, son of John, 385, 548.
of, 282, 286, 327, 339; see
Billingsley, Barsill, 570.
Wm., 578.
also Compass variations.
Francis, 570.
See also Bone.
Bounds, Joseph, 543.
Fras., 576.
Bone [Bond?], Thos., 560.
Bounties, see Wolf; Bear.
Jamee, 5^9.
Eonnady, Jamca, 528.
Dcmqucl, Diig. Gen. Henry, xxv,
Billinsley, Walter, 576.
Boodinf?], James, 565.
10, 14, 15, 55, 61, 63, 65,
Bills defeated, xv, xxxviii, 12,
Bookies (Beckias), Erasmus,
73-74, 399-
58, no, in, 127, 128, 182,
95, 247.
Bowdle, Nicholas, 297.
193, 209, 377, 380, 412.
Boone, John, 535.
Bowen, Benja., 534.
Bills of credit, Burning of, when
Boquetenorton Hundred, 512.
Benja., Jun., 529.
paid, 117, 118, 272; see also
Bordley, John, 258.
Edward, 527.
Bordley, John Beale (U.K.),
John (Synapuxon), 508.
Commissioner to receive and
xxvi, xli, lxxxix, 281, 287,
Josias, 546.
take in, 273-274.
294, 301, 314; Act concern-
Nathan, 531.
Commissioners for emitting,
ing the name of, xxxvi,
Saml., 527.
xcix-ci, 267-268, 271-272;
95, 131, 136, 148, 186,
Solomon, 537.
see also Loan Office.
202, 210, 211, 2l8, 220, 258-
Bower, Daniel, 562.
Emission of, lxiv, lxv, 109,
259 (text); on Comm. to
Bowers, Daniel, 385, 562.
122, 126, 128 ff., 182, 185-
answer the Governor's
Bowly, Daniel, 541.
186, 265; see also Accounts,
speech, 283; sent by the
Bowman, Henry, 561.
Journal of; Claims, public.
Upper House, 287, 288, 294,
Boyce, Joseph, 509.
Printing of, ci, 266-267, 272.
295, 299, 302, 304, 307, 308,
William, 507, 509.
Bills of exchange, 273-274.
310, 311, 312, 315, 317, 318,
Boyd, James, 541.
Bills, private, Fees for, 15, 63,
345, 35i, 354, 363, 377, 380,
Jas., 543-
131, 218, 315.
388, 393, 395, 400, 412.
John, 537.
Bird, Solomon, 515.
Stephen (d.i764), xix, xlii.
Boyle, Thomas, 577-
Thomas, 515.
Birkefer, Johan Philliph, 559.
Stephen (Kent County, d.
1776), lxxxvi, lxxxvii, 325,
Bradford, David, 551.
John, 572.
Birns, Adam, 539.
341, 342, 343, 3/1/1, 345, 346,
wm., 569.
Bishop, Joseph, Senr., 508.
352, 361, 373, 390; on
William, Jun, 568.
Robt, 575.
Comm. to estimate amount
Bradin, Robert, 580.
Thos., 572.
and defraying of judges'
Bramwell, C, 529.
William, 507, 508.
salaries, 344; on Comm. of
Brant, Adam, 542.
Bissell, Stephen, 297.
grievances and courts of
Bratten, Nathaniel, 510.
Bissex, Mary, 510.
justice, 332; on Comm. to
Stevenson, 510.
Black, James, 572.
inspect the public offices and
Braun, Rudolf, 561.
William, 528.
records, 344; on Comm. to
Bravard, Adam, 506.