Index. 583
Number of taxables in,
Barney, Absalom, 551.
Beall, Alexander, 93, 150.
lxxxix, 568.
Benja, 535.
Edward, 145, 150.
Petition (rejected) for laying
O Nc, 543.
(Bell, Bealle), George, lxxvii,
out a town, 294.
W, 541.
7, 8, 10, 47, 50, 52, 95, 247.
Petition of sundry inhabitants
William, 534.
(Bealle), Josias (Josiah)
of, 97, 101, 152, 306, 343,
Barnhill, William, 572.
(Prince George's County),
Barnhows, John, 575.
lxxxvi, lxxxvii, 21, 99, 156,
Removal of the Court House,
Barns, Gregory, 574.
181, 186, 192, 284, 329, 342;
petition against, xiv, xvii,
Joab, 574.
on Comm. on compass varia-
lxxxvi, lxxxviii-lxxxix, 295,
Job, 571.
tions, 361; on Comm. to en-
298, 306, 307, 354, 387, 566-
Joseph, 569.
quire into Gaither and Mills
580; German version, 554-
Barrall, Johannes, 559.
petitions, 184; on Comm. to
556; petition for, xiv, xvii,
Barre, Colonel (British House
inspect the Loan Office, 107,
lxxxvi, lxxxviii, 288, 298,
of Commons), lix, 189.
115, 177; on Comm. to in-
307, 343, 352, 354, 520-565.
Barrels, gauge of, Act for,
spect the payment of the
roads of, Act for repairing,
xxxvii, 97, 100, 104, 143,
public claims, xiv, 284, 321-
xxxv-xxxvi, 131, 132, 136,
147, 153, 223-224 (text).
323, 332; on Comm. to in-
202, 207-208, 210, 211, 213-
Barret, Joseph, 516.
spect the public offices and
214, 219, 220, 259-262.
Barrett, William, 116.
records, 22; motions by,
Sheriff of, lxxxvii, xci, 196,
Barron, James, 96, loo, 150, 247.
26; sent by the lower
98, 347, 372, 380, 385.
Barry, John, 296.
House, 127, 206, 315, 333,
Baltimore Town, Flour, staves
Bartlett (Barklett), Eleanor, 95,
378, 400; votes, 24, 30, 32,
and shingles, Act to regu-
33, 50, 55, 57, 60, 168, 169,
late the exportation of, etc.,
Bartley, David, 580.
173, 178, 179, 194, 199, 200,
xiv, xxii, xxxix, lii, 295,
Barton, James, 527, 573.
207, 208, 210, 347, 355, 362,
299, 310, 314, 343, 349, 352,
James, Junr., 527.
368, 369, 372, 377, 379, 380,
353, 363, 390, 393, 396, 445-
John, Senr., 540.
383, 384, 387, 393.
453 (text).
Joshua, 549.
Lieut. Resin [Rezin], 392.
Growth of, 522.
Thos., 543.
Richard, 297.
Inspection of flour and
Bary[?], Jacob, 561.
William. 150.
shingles in, 7, 202, 207.
Bashford, Moses, 543.
Bealle, see Beall.
Marsh in, xc, 6.
Baskett, Richd., 532.
Bear scalps, Bounty on, 511.
Measure of grain and fire-
Easier, Job Jacob, 535.
Beard, George Adam, 528.
wood in, regulation of, 202.
Bastard child, Sale value of, 512.
John Adam, 548.
Nuisance in, Act to remove,
Bates, William, 540.
Martin, 538.
xxxv, xc-xci, 127, 131, 136,
Bath[?], Henry, 580.
Beasman, Joseph, 545.
176, 178, 194, 207, 209, 211,
Batson, Thomas, 506, 507, 509.
Beatty, William, 550.
220, 253-258 (text), 314, 315.
Battee, Far., 546.
Beaty, Archibald, 574.
Petitions of the inhabitants of,
Baulght[?], Thomas, 549.
Beauchamp, Dannil, 516.
6, 7, 105.
Baum[?], Georg Fridrich, 500.
Edwd., 516.
Petition of the merchants of,
Baum, Georg Fetter, 561.
Handy, 516.
7, 55, 174, 176, 194.
Baxer, Edmund, Jun, 527.
John, 517.
Baltimore Town Warehouse,
Baxter, Benjamin, 546.
Ludowick, 515.
lxxiii, 12, 15, 53, 57, 64, 65,
George, 543.
Samuel, 515.
86, 87.
Greenbury, 539.
William, 517.
Bank of England, Amount of
William (Cecil County), 283,
Beaun, Joseph, 548.
stock of owned by the prov-
327, 328, 340. 341, 342, 351,
Beavan, Wm., 536.
ince, xii, xxix, lxiv, 265,
353; sent by the Lower
Beavens, Benjamin, 549.
House, 284, 307, 335, 386;
Rowland, 510, 512.
banks, Abraham, 574.
Votes, 347, 354, 362, 368,
Beaver, John, 572; see also
Banks, John, 531.
369, 371, 377, 38o, 383, 384,
Bankson, Joseph, 500.
Beavin, Ezekiel, 564.
Banneker, Benjamin, 531.
Bay, Hugh, 570.
Beber [Beaver?], Gorg, 562.
Bar lead, lxxxii, 364.
John, 577.
Beck, Caleb, 571.
Barclay, Priscilla, 6, 26, 68.
Thos., 576.
Charles, 578.
Bardell, John, 531.
Thos., Juner, 576.
Elijah, 578.
Barker, Samuel, 563.
Willm., 573.
Beckford, Alderman (British),
Barklett, see Bartlett.
William, Junr., 573.
lix, 189.
Barley, Benjamin, 564.
Bayard, Peter, 319, 353, 377, 410.
Bedell, Thos, 543.
Barnaby, Elias, 536.
Bayer, Elias, 559,
Beef, see Barrels, gauge of.
Barnes, James, 545, 574.
Bayles, Benjan, 580.
Bell, John, 534.
Matthew, 296.
Samll., 580.
Joseph, 515.
Philemon, 564.
Samuel, Junr, 580.
Samul., 534.
Richard, 564.
Bayly, see Baily.
William, 528, 535.
Barnet House, John, 540.
Bayonets, lxxxii, 364.
Wm., 542.
Barnetharse, Phillip, 528.
Bays, Jaceriah, 547.
See also Beall.
Barnethow, Philip, 528.
Bazell, Robert, 538.
Belss, Jacob, 561.
Barnett, Daniel, lxxvii, 96, 124,
Bazill, Ezekiel, 528.
Belts, Military, lxxxii, 364.
125, 169, 201, 202.
Beacham, Thomas, Jr., 517.
Belzer, Johan, Jun., 560.