582 Jndex.
152, 157, 168, 173, 176, 177,
Aplebei, William, 547.
Bailey, Charles, 565.
179, 283, 280, 300, 302, 304,
Appearance Court, 56, 57, 76,
Clement, storekeeper on Nan-
319, 328, 346-347, 370, 375,
ticoke, lxxxiii, 295, 354.
383, 387, 389, 406; votes,
Apprentices, Act ... to bind
Elijah, 526.
24, 30, 32, 33, 50, 151, 154,
out, xxxiii, lxxvi, 114, 123,
Jabez, 531.
155, 1 68, 169, 173, 178, 179,
135, 145, 154, 181, 187, 100,
Saml, 531.
347, 352, 355, 362, 368, 369,
197, 199, 220, 235-238(text).
Baily(Bayly), Esme, Sheriff,
371, 377, 379, 38o, 383, 384.
Aprons (parts of cannon), 364.
Worcester County, cvii, 505,
387, 392, 418.
Archdeakin, Michael, 572.
510, 511.
Zachariah, 565, 572.
Archer, Thomas, 385, 579.
Henry, 117.
Allgeir, Jacob, 560.
Archibald, Amos Jones, 571.
Bain(Bayne), John, 296.
Allin, William, 544.
Armes, thomes, 534.
Baines, Willm., 548.
Allison, Thomas, 551.
Armourer, lxxxi, 363, 364, 365.
Bakar, Charles, son of Morris,
Allowances, see Proclamations;
Arms and ammunition, ixxxi-
Council clerk, Salary of.
lxxxii, 165-166, 331, 363-365.
Morris, 576, 577.
Ambrose, Wm, 531.
Armstrong, James, 536, 574.
See also Baker.
Amercements, Bill for the re-
John, 543, 574.
Baker, Henry (Cecil County),
covery of, li-lii, 289, 293,
Shepard, 573.
23, 25, 137, 144, 149, 153,
295, 300, 305-306, 306-307,
William, 573.
191, 284, 335, 342, 345, 346,
308, 313, 353, 369, 370, 386,
arnal, John, 564.
353, 361, 372; sent by the
395, 396, 438-439 (text).
Arnol, Michal, 560.
Lower House, 92, 93, 139,
Settlement of, on Clerk of the
Arnold, Anthony, 534.
144, 370; votes, 24, 347, 352,
Council, 165.
Bengeban, 533.
354, 363, 368, 372.
Use of, xxx, 149, 160, 163,
Benjn, 558.
Indention, Juner, 564.
Jos, 558.
baker, Indimum, 544.
America, English friends of, 46-
Peter, 546.
Baker, Isaac, of Frederick
47, 49, 60; see also Pitt,
Willm., 545.
County, 372.
William; Pratt, Charles.
Arnold [?], William, 569.
Isaiah, 533.
Amos, James, 574, 575-
Asban, Daniel, 560.
James, 543.
Joshua, 550.
Asher, Abrahm., 549.
John, 297, 545.
Mordecai, 550.
Ashman, George, 524.
Morris, Juner, 576.
Thos., 573.
George, Ju., 531.
Morriss, 527.
Amoss, Benj, 576.
John, 547.
Nicholas, 534, 571.
Benja, 576.
Josephus, 530.
Obed, 546.
James, 575, 576.
Ashmead, Samuel, Deer Creek,
Phillip, 500.
James, Juner, 576.
Theophilus, 570.
John, 576.
Ashon, Simon, 541.
William, Juner, 576.
Mordeca, 576.
Ask, Thomas, 544.
See also Bakar.
Rob., 573.
Askay, William, 542.
Balentine (Ballytine), Archi-
Robert, 576.
Askew, William, 96, 247.
bald,111, 184.
William, 576.
Askren, Thomas, 559.
Ball, Edmund, 579.
William, son of James, 575.
Assembly, Address of, to the
John, 509.
Anderson, Alexander, 301.
Proprietary, 132, 133, 214,
Will, 539-
James, 322, 540, 565.
215, 218-219.
William, 525.
John, 540, 544.
Dissolution of, by Governor,
Baltimore, Frederick, 6th Lord,
Levin, 510.
by order of the Proprietary,
xxvi, lxviii, 501-502.
William, 322, 569.
lv, lxii, 419.
Baltimore County, Contested
Andick[?], Wm, 569.
Harmony in, ix, xxvii, xxix,
election in, xiv, xxvi, xci-
Andirons, 118.
xciii, 347, 348; sec also
Andrew, Abraham, 575.
Season for meeting of, xix,
Dorsey, John Hammond:
Andrews, William, 296, 385, 540.
xx, xxv, xxvi, 3, 20, 411;
Ridgely, Charles, Junr. et
Angle, Michel, in English, 529.
see also Harvest.
Anguango Hundred, 512.
Office, Records in, ixxxiv, 356.
Coroner of, 298; see also
Annapolis, Corporation of, Peti-
Aston, George, 543.
Ensor, John, Junr.
tion rejected, 96.
Petr., 548.
Court of, act to revive, 25;
Delegates of, 17, 325, 341.
Atkinson, Benjamin, 508.
adjournment and continu-
Anne Arundel County, Dele-
James, 516.
ance of, 288, 289, 294, 342,
gates of, xlv, 17, 203, 325,
Aydelott, John, 510.
344, 345-
Thomas, 507.
court house and public prison,
Election of, complaint against,
Act to erect, in Baltimore
xcii, 382.
Babington, Chas., 548, 559.
Town, xlix, Hi, ixxxvi-xc,
Jail of, xxi, ixxvi, 20, 27, 28.
Bacon, Rachel; Bacon, Eliza-
209, 308, 310, 314, 355, 361,
Sheriff of, treatment of pris-
beth and Bacon, Mary, Peti-
368, 387, 389, 390, 393, 396,
oners by, xxii, ixxvi, 20, 28,
tion of, 296, 357, 362-363.
442-445 (text).
47, 49; see also Galloway,
Bader, Johannes, 559.
Delegates of, xlv, xci, 17, 96,
Badges, Wearing of, by alms-
284, 325, 329, 342.
Anno, Joseph, 515.
house inmates, xcvi, 493.
Election in, xxvi, 196.
Anthony, Lewis Adam, 561.
Ban, Ludewig, 560.
Horrid piece of villainy in,
Aple, Christian, 529.
Bagford, William, 533.
285, 339.