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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 461   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 461

N:o 22: An Act to give Thomas Harrison further Time to effect the Removal
of a Nusance in Baltimore Town in Baltimore County.
Whereas Thomas Harrison by his humble Petition to this General
Assembly has set forth That in pursuance of the Act entituled An
Act to remove a Nusance in Baltimore Town in Baltimore County
and for other Purposes therein mentioned and within the Time pre-
scribed by the said Act he the said Thomas Harrison did elect to
remove his Part of the said Nusance at his own proper Charge and
Expence and did execute such Bond in such Penalty and with such
Condition as by the said Act was directed but that the Removal of the
said Nusance is so difficult a Labour that he cannot effect the same
within the Time limitted by the said Act and therefore the said
Thomas Harrison by his said Petition prayed further Time for doing
of the same: And as a further Time appears to this General As-
sembly to be reasonable and necessary

Liber H. S.
No. 1
p. 704

Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships Gov-
ernor and the upper and lower Houses of Assembly and the Authority
of the same That the said Thomas Harrison for effecting the Removal
of his Part of the said Nusance have the further Time of two Years
from the Expiration of the Time limitted by the Act aforesaid

[Two Years
further Time
allowed him,
than by a
former Act]

And be it further Enacted that the Bond aforesaid passed and
executed as aforesaid by the said Thomas Harrison shall have no
other Effect or Operation than to stand as a Security for effecting
the Removal of his Part of the said Nusance within the Time given
by this Act

[A former
Bond given,
still to stand
as a

By the Lower House of
Assembly June 1768
Read & Assented to
Sign'd by Order
T.Wright Cl: Lo: Ho:

On Behalf of the right
Honble the Lord Pro-
prietary of this Province
I will this be a Law.
Hor° Sharpe

By the Upper House of
Assembly 20:th June 1768
Read and Assented to
Signed by Order
UScott Cl. Up. Ho.

the Great Seal
in Wax Appendant

N.o 23: An Act to impower Mary Philpot Widow and Administratrix of
Brian Philpot late of Baltimore Town in Baltimore County Mer-
chant deceased to sell the real Estate of her said Husband for the
Payment of the Debts of the said Brian Philpot.

[A Private

Whereas Mary Philpot by her humble Petition to this General
Assembly hath set forth That she having administered on the Estate
of her deceased Husband did by Advertisement in the Maryland
Gazette request the Creditors of the said Brian Philpot to acquaint
her with the State of their several Claims against the Estate that
sundry of them had complied with her Request that their Claims
delivered in amount to one thousand eight hundred and seventy six

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 461   View pdf image (33K)
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