Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships Gov-
ernor and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the
Authority of the same That the Chief Justice of the said County
Court the Sheriff of the said County and the several Attorneys
Practising in the same shall and they are hereby directed and required
to deliver up to M.r Benjamin Young Clerk of the said County
their several and respective Dockets for the several Courts the Dock-
ets of which shall appear to have been burnt and lost the aforesaid
Dockets having been made out and delivered by the said Clerk or
his sworn Deputy to them respectively for their respective Uses
[The Chief
justice &c to
deliver to the
Clerk, the
made out by
him for their
And be it Enacted That the said Clerk shall and may in all such
Proceedings and Causes whether Criminal or Civil that shall appear
from any or either of such Dockets where no Executions have been
issued therein And where Execution hath been issued then from
such Execution to have been at either of the said Courts finished
and brought to final End or other Determination make out and enter
up among the Records of the said County a Minute Abstract or
Abridgment of such Proceedings so determined in such Manner
brought to a
final end, an
abstract to
be enter'd
among the
Records, &c]