424 Assembly Proceedings, May 24-June 22, 1768.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
and with such Judgment End or Determination as shall from the
Major Part of the said Dockets and the Justices Sheriffs and
Attorneys Entries thereon and from such Executions as are already
issued or such Judgments Ends or other Determinations respectively
(always giving the Preference to such Executions already issued in
such Points as they shall be entituled to a Preference in) appear to
have been the Judgment End or other Determinations of such Cases
&c. to be
entered in
like manner]
And be it further Enacted That all and every the Executions and
other Judicial Process grounded upon any Judgment or Determina-
tion made or obtained in the said Court and which Execution or
other Judicial Process has been returnable and returned to the said
Court and all and every the Acts or Proceedings of the Justices the
Sheriff or the Clerk of the said County by Virtue and in Pursuance
of such Executions or other Judicial Process shall be ascertained
entered and made up in like manner
arising, the
Justices to
And be it further Enacted That in Case of any uncertainty or
other Difficulty to the said Clerk in making such Abstract Minute
or Abridgment he shall and is hereby required and directed to apply
to the Justices of the said County at any future sitting in Court
for their Assistance and Direction therein and they are hereby
Authorized and required to give the same
[Such ab-
stract and
so entered to
be good and
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that such
Abstract Minute or Abridgment so as aforesaid by the said Clerk
entered and all Executions and other Process already issued or to
be issued and all Acts and Proceedings in Pursuance and by Virtue
thereof shall be and shall be deemed construed and taken to be as
good valid and effectual to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever as if
the Judgments Ends or other Determinations of the same respective
Executions and other Judicial Process had been regularly entered
up or were now actually remaining or filed among the Records and
Proceedings of the said County Court in usual fform any Law Usage
or Custom to the Contrary in any wise notwithstanding
[Causes not
the Justices
to proceed
in a sum-
mary way, or
in Equity,
and all
Entries and
thereon to
be valid]
p. 676
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all
such Causes as were not determined in the said Court shall and
may be heard and determined and the Justices of the said County
for the Time being are hereby authorized and impowered to hear
adjudge of and determine the same either in a summary way by the
best Evidence the Nature of each Case will admit of or by Bill filed
on the Equity side of the said County Court as to the Plaintiffs in
such Suits or Actions shall seem meet and for that Purpose the said
County Court is hereby also authorized and impowered as a Court of
Equity to hold plea of such sums so as aforesaid heretofore sued or
Prosecuted to any Amount not exceeding the Jurisdiction of the Law
side thereof and that such Hearing and Determination either in a
summary Manner or in Equity as aforesaid and all Entries and