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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 409   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 409

May we then, most gracious sovereign, be permitted humbly
to implore your tender consideration of this unhappy circumstance
of your american people. May we pray that your Majesty will
extend to your faithful people of Maryland, that paternal regard
which your Majesty hath so invariably shewn to the just rights of
all your subjects; and be graciously pleased to grant them such relief
as to your Majesty's wisdom and justice shall seem meet
Which petition is approved of and ordered to be ingrossed
The ingrossed petition is brought in, read, assented to, and signed
by order, and on behalf of the house, by the honorable Speaker, who
is requested to transmit the same to Charles Garth Esquire, to be
presented to his Majesty.
Benedict Calvert Esquire from the upper house delivers to M.r
Speaker the following message
By the upper house of assembly June 1768
Any ordinance you may prepare for reimbursing his excellency,
the money he advanced on account of the Nanticoke Indians, and for
an allowance to Captan Pear is, in consideration of his services to
this province, during the war, will meet with our ready concurrence.
We are also willing, that an allowance be immediately made to M.r
John Duckett for transcribing the book you mention; if at the same
time you will agree to satisfy a claim, M.r Ross, the late clerk of
this house, had on the public for a similar service, by him performed
in pursuance of an order of both houses, in the year 1739 and 1740,
for which he was never paid; a copy of which account is herewith

Sign d by order U Scott cl: up: ho:

Which was read the first and second time, by an especial order
M.r Chase, M.r Johnson, M.r Ringgold and M.r Hall, appointed a
committee to prepare a message to the upper house in answer thereto
M.r Speaker communicates to the house a letter from the Speaker
of the house of Burgesses of Virginia respecting the late acts of
parliament imposing duties to be collected in America for the sole
purpose of raising a revenue; and the late act of parliament con-
ditionally suspending the legislative power of New York. Which is
read, and M.r Speaker is requested by the house to write a respectful
answer in the name of the house, to the same
The house adjourn's 'til to morrow morning 8 o'clock

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
June 21

Wednesday June 22.d 1768.

The house met according to adjournment. The members were
called and all appeared as on yesterday.
The proceedings of yesterday were read.

June 22

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 409   View pdf image (33K)
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