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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 408   View pdf image (33K)
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408 Assembly Proceedings, May 24-June 22, 1768.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
June 21

and singular the officers and ministers of us our heirs and successors
and enjoining them under our heavy displeasure, that they do not
at any time presume to attempt anything to the contrary of the
premises or that may in any wise contravene the same, but that they,
at all times as is fitting, do aid and assist the aforesaid now Baron
of Baltimore, and his heirs, and the aforesaid inhabitants, and mer-
chants of the province of Maryland aforesaid, and their servants and
ministers, factors and assigns in the fullest use and enjoyment of
this our Charter"

Our ancestors firmly relying on the royal promise, and upon these
plain and express declarations of their inherent, natural, and con-
stitutional rights, at the hazard of their lives and fortunes, trans-
ported themselves and families to this country, then scarcely known,
and inhabited only by savages: The prospect of a full and peaceable
enjoyment of their liberties and properties, softened their toils, and
strength'ned them to overcome innumerable difficulties. Heaven
prospered their endeavors and has given to your Majesty a con-
siderable increase of faithful subjects, improved the trade, and added
riches to the mother country. Thus happy in the enjoyment of the
rights and privileges of natural born subjects, have they, and their
posterity lived and been treated as freemen; and thus hath the great
fundamental principle of the constitution, that no man shall be
taxed but with his own consent, given by himself or by his repre-
sentative been ever extended, and preserved inviolate in this remote
part of your Majesty's dominions, until questioned lately by your

It is therefore with the deepest sorrow, may it please your most
excellent Majesty, that we now approach the throne on behalf of
your faithful subjects of this province, with all humility to represent
to your Majesty that by several statutes lately enacted in the parlia-
ment of Great Britain by which sundry rates and duties are to be
raised and collected within your Majesty's colonies in America for
the sole and express purpose of raising a revenue, this great funda-
mental principle of the constitution, is, in our apprehension, infringed.
The people of this province, royal sire, are not in any manner, nor
can they ever possibly be effectually represented in the british parlia-
ment ; while therefore your Majesty's commons of Great Britain
continue to give and grant the property of the people in America,
your faithful subjects of this, and every other colony must be de-
prived of that most invaluable privilege, the power of granting their
own money; and of every opportunity of manifesting by chearful
aids, their attachment to their King, and zeal for his service, they
must be cut off from all intercourse with their sovereign, and expect
not to hear of the royal approbation, they must submit to the power

p. 541

of the commons of Great Britain, and, precluded the blessings, shall
scarcely retain the name of freedom

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 408   View pdf image (33K)
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