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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 410   View pdf image (33K)
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410 Assembly Proceedings, May 24-June 22, 1768.

L. H. J.

Liber No. 52
June 22

The ingross'd bill entitled an act for the relief of the poor within
the several counties therein mentioned: Read and assented to ; and
with the paper bill sent to the upper house by M.r Selbey and M.r

p. 542

The bill entitled an act to enable Thomas Hunt, executor of
William Hunt late of London, merchant, deceased, and Jonathan
Smyth, executor of Peter Bayard, late of Caecil County, deceased,
to pay the monies therein mentioned: Read the second time and
will pass. Sent the upper house by M.r Selby and M.r Tyler
John Ridout Esquire from the upper house delivers to M.r Speaker,
the bill entitled an act to enable Thomas Hunt, executor of William
Hunt &c.a indorsed "By the upper house of assembly June 22.d 1768:
Read the first and second time by especial order, and will pass with
the following amendment" In the fourth line from the bottom of the
last page, strike out the words "two and an half," and insert in the
place thereof, the word "five."

Sign'd by order U Scott cl: up: ho:

Which amendment is rejected.
M.r Hall brings in, and delivers to M.r Speaker the following
By the lower house of assembly June 22.d 1768.
May it please your honors,
We cannot agree to make any allowance to M.r Ross's executors,
upon a claim so antient as the year seventeen hundred and forty,
which we find has been frequently rejected, and doubt not, on suffi-
cient reasons; and, by your state of the matter, appears to have been
relinquished, ever since the year seventeen hundred and fifty three.
If your honors incline to pass the ordinance agreeable to our
message, we shall prepare it: If not, the claims proposed to be pro-
vided for, must lie over
Sign'd by order T. Wright cl: lo: ho:

Which is read the first and second time, approved of, and ordered
to be ingross'd
M.r Allen from the committee of aggrievances and courts of
justice, brings in and delivers to M.r Speaker, the following report

By the committee of aggrievances and courts of justice,
June 22.d 1768.

It appears to your committee, from the information of three of
the delegates of Saint Marys county, that Richard Brown, incumbent
of King and Queen parish, constantly resided out of his parish,
upwards of three years together, without procuring any curate to
officiate in his stead. That tho' he has lately returned to reside
within his parish, his long course of immoral conduct, and his being

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 410   View pdf image (33K)
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