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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 407   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 407

idea of property; that whatever a man hath honestly acquired can-
not be taken from him without his consent: This immutable prin-
ciple they humbly apprehend, is happily ingrafted as a fundamental
into the english constitution, as is fully declared by Magna Charta
and by the petition, and bill of rights: Hence it is that your Maj-
esty's most distant subjects are justly entitled to all the rights
liberties, privileges, and immunities of your subjects born within
the kingdom of England. Under this idea, your Majesty's royal
predecessor King Charles the first, by his charter of this province
did grant as follows "We will also, and of our more abundant grace,
for us our heirs, and successors do firmly charge, constitute, ordain,
and command that the said province be our allegiance; and that all
and singular the subjects and liege-men of us, our heirs, and suc-
cessors transplanted or hereafter to be transplanted into the province
aforesaid, and the children of them, and of others their descendants,
whether already born there, or hereafter to be born, be and shall
be natives and liege-men of us our heirs and successors of our
kingdom of England and Ireland; and in all things shall be held
treated, reputed, and esteemed as the faithful liege-men of us, and
our heirs and successors, born within our kingdom of England:
also lands, tenements, revenues, services, and other hereditaments
whatsoever within our kingdom of England, and other our domin-
ions, to inherit or otherwise purchase, receive, take, have, hold,
buy and possess, and the same to use and enjoy, and the same to
give, sell, alien, and bequeath; and likewise all privileges, franchises,
and liberties of this our kingdom of England, freely, quietly, and
peaceably to have and possess, and the same may use and enjoy in
the same manner as our liege-men born, or to be born within our
said kingdom of England, without impediment, molestation, vexa-
tion, impeachment, or grievance of us or any of our heirs or suc-
cessors; any statute, act, ordinance, or provision to the contrary
thereof notwithstanding. And further we will, and do by these
presents for us our heirs and successors covenant and grant to and
with the aforesaid now Baron of Baltimore, his heirs and assigns,
that we, our heirs and successors, at no time hereafter will impose
or make, or cause to be imposed, any impositions, customs or other
taxations, quotas, or contributions whatsoever in or upon the resi-
dents or inhabitants of the province aforesaid for their goods, lands
or tenements within the same province, or upon any tenements, lands,
goods or chattels, within the province aforesaid, or in or upon any
goods or merchandizes within the province aforesaid or within the

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
June 21

ports or harbours of the said province to be laden or unladen. And we
will and do, for us, our heirs and successors, enjoin and command
that this our declaration shall from time to time be received and
allowed in all our courts and praetorian judicatories and before all
the judges whatsoever of us, our heirs and successors for a sufficient
and lawful discharge, payment and acquittance thereof, charging all

p. 540

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 407   View pdf image (33K)
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