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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 404   View pdf image (33K)
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404 Assembly Proceedings, May 24-June 22, 1768.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
June 21

Mr Ringold brings in, and delivers to Mr Speaker, the ingrossed
Address to his Excellency: Which is read, and assented to, and
signed, by Order of the House by the Honorable Speaker
Ordered, that Mr Goldsborough, and Mr Steele, do acquaint his
Excellency, this House hath prepared an Address to be presented to
him, and desires to know when, and where, he will pleased to receive
it They return, and acquaint Mr Speaker, the Governor signified
he would recieve it in a Quarter of an Hour, in the Conference

Ordered, that Mr Worthington, and three more, do present the
The ingrossed Bill, entitled, an Act for the Building of a Parish
Church, and Chapel of Ease, in St John's Parish in Queen-Anne's
County: Read, and assented to ; and, with the Paper Bill thereof,
sent to the Upper House, by Mr Wright, and Mr Ware
Ordered, that the Register of the Land Office, do put, and keep
the several Books, in his Office, in better Condition and Order, than
they now are; and that he do transcribe the general Alphabet of the
Land Records, in the said Office

p. 537

The Message to the Upper House, read the second Time, approved
of, and ordered to be ingrossed
The ingrossed Bill, entitled, an Act to impower Mary Philpot,
Widow and Administratrix of Brian Philpot &c. Sent to the Upper
House, by Mr Wright, and Mr Ware
Mr Ringold brings in, and delivers to Mr Speaker, the ingrossed
Message to the Upper House; Which is read, and assented to; and
sent to the Upper House, by Mr Ringold, and Mr Key
John Ridout, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr Speaker
the following Message:
By the Upper House of Assembly, June 21, 1768
In Answer to your Message of this Day, by Messieurs Ringold,
and Key, this House agrees to pass the Bill, entitled, an Act for
amending and declaring the Law, in the Cases therein mentioned,
according to your Proposition in the said Message
Signed per Order, Upton. Scott. Cl. Up. Ho.

Ordered, that the Bill, to which the above Message refers be
Also delivered, by the same Gentleman, the following Paper Bills,
A Bill, entitled, an Act to empower Mary Philpot, Widow and
Administratrix of Brian Philpot, late of Baltimore Town, in Balti-
more County, Merchat, deceased, to sell the Real Estate of her said
Husband, for the Payment of the Debts of the said Brian Philpot

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 404   View pdf image (33K)
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