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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 405   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 405

And a Bill, entitled, an Act for the building a Parish Church, and
Chapel of Ease, in St John's Parish, in Queen Anne's County; sever-
ally indorsed: By the Upper House of Assembly, "June 21, 1768:
The ingrossed Bill whereof this is the Original, read and assented to

Signed by Order, U. Scott, Cl. Up. Ho."

Upon taking into Consideration, the Amendment proposed by the
Upper House, to the Bill, entitled an Additional Supplementary Act,
to the Act, entitled, An Act for the Establishment of Religious
Worship, &c

Resolved that the said Amendment be adopted, and that the Bill
be ingrossed.

Mr Ringold brings in, and delivers to Mr Speaker, the following

By the Lower House of Assembly, June 21, 1768
May it please your Honours,

We are preparing an Ordinance, for the immediate Reimburse-
ment of his Excellency the Governor, his Account of Supplies, to
the Nanticoke Indians, and for the Payment of Capt Richard Paris,
for his Services to this Province, during the late War, and for
Payment to John Duckett, for supplying a Book, and transcribing

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
June 21

therein the votes and proceedings of the lower house of assembly
from the year seventeen hundred and four until seventeen hundred
and fifteen, inclusive: By the committee of both houses of assembly
appointed to inspect the office and proceedings of the late com-
missioners for paying off the public claims, and emitting bills of
credit established by act of assembly, out of the bills of credit now
in the office, belonging to the country, and hope for your honors
Sign'd by order T. Wright cl: lo: ho

The house adjourns til 2 o'clock
Post Meridiem. The house met according to adjournment
The ingross'd bills, entitled, An act for the relief of the reverend
John Macpherson of Charles county: An act for the relief of
certain languishing prisoners in the several jails therein mentioned:
And An act for licensing ordinary-keepers, hawkers, pedlars, and
petty-chapmen: read and assented to; and sent to the upper house
by M.r Selbey and M.r Mackall

The message to the upper house, read a second time, approved of
and ordered to be ingrossed: The ingross'd message read and as-
sented to and sent to the upper house by M.r Goldsborough and M.r
The Governor's message of the read the second time. Or-
dered that M.r Tilghman M.r Johnson, M.r Hall, M.r Chase, M.r


p. 538


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 405   View pdf image (33K)
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