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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 403   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 403

An Act to impower Mary Philpot, Widdow and Administratrix of
Brian Philpot, late of Baltimore Town, in Baltimore County, Mer-
chant, deceased, to sell the Real Estate of her said Husband, for the
payment of the Debts of the said Brian Philpot,
To the Honourable Speaker......... £1..0..0
To the Clerk..................... 0..10..0

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
June 20

Resolved, that the Honourable Speaker, Messieurs William Mur-
dock, Matthew Tilghman Thomas Ringgold, Thomas Johnson, Jun/
and John Hall, be a Committee to Correspond, in the Recess of As-
sembly, with Charles Garth, Esq.r, Our Agent, for conducting and
Managing the Dispute, between the Lord Proprietary And the people
of this Province,

The House adjourns 'til ToMorrow Morning 8. o'Clock

p. 536

Tuesday, June 21,

The House met according to Adjournment, The Members, were
called, and all appeared as on Yesterday, The proceedings of Yester-
day were read, The Report of the Committee appointed to inopcct

into the Records and proceedings in the Several publick Offices, read
the second Time, and concurred with, M,r Hall brings in, and delivers
to M,r Speaker, the following Message,

By the Lower House of Assembly, June 21, 1768
May it please your Honours,

This House agrees to the passage of the Bill, entitled, An Act for
amending and declaring the Law in the Cases therein Mentioned,
with all your proposed Amendments, except the Fifth, which, we are
apprehensive, might be productive of too much Delay, and therefore
inconvenient in the County Courts, as those Courts do not Generally
sit seven Days at One time we therefore propose, that instead of the
fifth Amendment, the Proviso be as follows, provided always, that
such Award shall remain seven Days in the Provincial Court, during
their Sitting, if returned to the Provincial Court; or Three Days
in the respective County Courts, during the Sitting, if returned to
any County Court, after the Return thereof, before any such Judg-
ment shall be entered up, And if it shall appear to the Justices of the
Court, to which any such Award shall be returned, within the respec-
tive times aforesaid, that the same was Obtained by Fraud, or Mal-
practice, in, or, by Surprise, Imposition, or Deception of the Arbitra-
tors, or without due Notice to the Parties, or their Attorney, or
Attornies, it shall and may be lawful for the said Court, to set aside
such Award, and refuse to give Judgment thereon

Signed by Order, T. Wright, Cl, Lo. Ho,
Which is read the first Time and ordered to lie on the Table

June 21

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 403   View pdf image (33K)
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