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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 402   View pdf image (33K)
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402 Assembly Proceedings, May 24-June 22, 1768.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
June 20

3d Line of the 2d page, the following Words, Viz. "and who have
not Mortgages" on the Real or personal Estate
Signed by Order U. Scott Cl, Up. Ho,

Which amendments were agreed to, and the Bill Ordered to be
The petition of Eleanor Duvall, read the second time and rejected,
The petition of John Marshall, and George Scroggin, read the second
time and rejected,

The Address to his Excellency, read the second Time, approved of,
and Ordered to be ingrossed
The Letter from Peyton Randolph, Esq.r; Speaker of the House
of Burgesses of the Colony of Virginia, as also the Resolve of that
House, respecting a Light House, were read the second time, and
referred to the Consideration of the next Assembly,
Mr Goldsborough, from the Committee of Accounts, delivers to
M.r Speaker, the Journal of Accounts and List of Debts,

The Report of the Committee, appointed to state the Facts con-
tained in the petition of Captain Richard Pearis, read the second
time, The House concurs therewith, and allowed him One hundred
and fifty pounds, as a Compensation for his Services
The ingrossed Bill, entitled, An Act, to impower Mary Philpot,
widdow and Administratrix of Brian Philpot, late of Baltimore
Town, in Baltimore County, Merchant deceased, to sell the Real
Estate of her said Husband, for the payment of the Debts of the
said Brian Philpot Read and assented to, The House proceeds to
tax the following Bills, Viz,

The Bill, entitled, An Act to enable Mary Darnall, an infant, to
enter into and except [accept] of a Marriage Settlement and Agree-
To the Honourable Speaker......... £10.. 0..0
To the Clerk..................... 5.. 0..0
An Act confirming to Spedding Bromwell, of Talbot County of
Talbot County, certain Lots of Land therein Mentioned,
To the Honourable Speaker......... £1.. 0..0
To the Clerk..................... 0..10..0
An Act for turning part of a Street, called East Street in the City
of Annapolis, and for Confirming the Title of Thomas Jenings, Esq/
of the said City, to a lot of Ground therein
To the Honourable Speaker......... £0.. 0..0
To the Clerk..................... 0..10..0
An Act to give Thomas Harrison further time to effect the Re-
moval of a Nuisance in Baltimore Town, in Baltimore County,
To the Honourable Speaker......... £1.. 0..0
To the Clerk..................... 0..10..0

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 402   View pdf image (33K)
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