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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 399   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 399

from Col, Dagworthy, by the particular Order of the General, during
the remaining part of the said Campaign That by some Means or
Other, his Name, after receiving his Brevet, was left Out of the
Muster Rolls, which were sent to England, for the pay of those
Troops, That during the Campaign, he was Ordered Out by the Gen-
eral, to reconnoitre towards Fort du Quesne with a party, and, if
possible, to bring in a prisoner in the Begining of the Month of
November That, on the of that Month, he returned with an
Indian Man, and a Squaw, whom he delivered to the General; and
that he has never received any pay, either from the Crown or this
province; for the Time during which he acted by Brevet, nor any Re-
ward or Compensation for his Services, in taking the said prisoners,

Your Committee Observe, that the Fact respecting the taking the
two Indians, is also Attested by a Certificate from the late Col. Henry
Bouquet. All which is Submitted to the Consideration of the Hon-
ourable House.
Signed per Order, Edward Ford, Cl, Com,

Which is read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
The governor communicates to M.r speaker, the following message
Gentlemen of the lower house of assembly,

The King, our most gracious sovereign, having been informed,
that a circular letter, a copy of which hath been communicated to
his ministers, was. in February last, sent by the speaker of the house
of representatives, of the colony of Massachusetts to the speakers of
other houses of assembly in North America, hath been pleased to
order it to be signified to me, that he considers such measure to be
of a most dangerous and factious tendency calculated to inflame the
minds of his good subjects in the colonies to promote an unwarrant-
able combination, to excite and encourage an open opposition to,
and denial of the authority of parliament, and to subvert the true
principles of the constitution; but while I notify to you his majesty's
sentiments, with respect to this matter; I am also to tell you, that
the repeated proofs which have been given by the assembly of this
province, of their reverence and respect for the laws, and of their
faithful attachment to the constitution, leave litle room for his
majesty to doubt of their shewing a proper resentment of such
unjustifiable attempt to revive those distractions which have operated
so fatally to the prejudice of both the colonies, and the mother
country. And I flatter myself that in case such letter has been ad-
dressed to the speaker of your house, you will confirm the favorable
opinion, his majesty at present entertains of his Maryland subjects,
by taking no notice of such letter, which will be treating it with the
contempt it deserves June 1768. Hor° Sharpe

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
June 20

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 399   View pdf image (33K)
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