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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 398   View pdf image (33K)
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398 Assembly Proceedings, May 24-June 22, 1768.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
June 20

Walter Dulany, Esq/ from the upper House, delivers to M.r
Speaker, the Bill, entitled an Act to impower, Mary Philpot, widow
and Administratrix of Brian Philpot, late of Baltimore Town, in
Baltimore County, Merchant deceased, to sell the Real Estate of her
said Husband, for the payment of the Debts of the said Brian
Philpot, indorsed; By the Upper House of Assembly, June
1768 Read the first and second time by especial Order and Will pass,
Signed by Order U Scott, Ck. Up. ho,

Also the Bill, entitled, an Act to give Thomas Harrison further
time to effect the Removal of a Nuisance in Baltimore Town in
Baltimore County; indorsed "By the Upper House of Assembly, June 1768 Read the first time, and Ordered to lie on the Table,
Signed by Order. U Scott, Ck, up, ho,

By the upper House of Assembly, June 1768. Read the
second time and Will pass
Signed by Order, U, Scott, Ck, up, ho,

which Bills were Read, and passed for ingrossing, Also the paper
Bills, entitled an Act, for turning part of a Street, called East Street
in the City of Annapolis, and for Confirming the Title of Thomas
Jenings, Esq.r of the said City to a Lot of Ground therein

p. 533

And a Bill, entitled a Supplementary Act to the Act, to enable the
Visitors of Kent County School, for the time being, to Lease Out
part of the Land belonging to the said School, indorsed "by the
Upper House of Assembly, June 1768: The ingrossed Bill,
whereof this is the Original, read, and Assented to

Signed by Order U, Scott, Ck up. ho,

Mr Grahame brings in, and delivers to Mr Speaker, the following
By the Committee appointed to state tre facts contained in the
petition of Cap.t Richard Pearis Your Committee observe to the
Honourable House, that the petitioner commanded a Company, in
the pay of this province, during the late War. That it appears to
your Committee, from the information of Captain Ware, that the
petitioner advanced very Considerable Sums of Money for the sup-
port of his Company, during the Time the Troops served, after the
Money granted by this province, was expended, That the petitioner
suffered much inconvenience, and a Considerable loss, by laying Out
of the Money he had so advanced, near Five years, before any part
of it was repaid him, That the petitioner's Company, being the
youngest in the Service of this province, was the first reduced, and
the Men distributed among the Other Companies, That it appears
to your Committee, by the Affidavit of the petitioner that his Com-
pany, being so reduced, in the Beginning of the Campaign com-
manded by General Forbes, he acted as Captain Lieutenant, by brevet,

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 398   View pdf image (33K)
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