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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 400   View pdf image (33K)
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400 Assembly Proceedings, May 24-June 22, 1768.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
June 20
p. 534

John Beale Bordley esquire from the upper house, delivers to
M.r speaker, the bill entitled an act for licensing ordinary keepers,
hawkers, pedlars, and petty chapmen; indorsed: By the upper house
of assembly, June 1768, Read the first time and ordered to lie
on the table
Sign'd by order U. Scott cl: up: ho

By the upper house of assembly June 1768. Read the second
time and will pass.
Sign'd by order. U. Scott cl: up: ho

Also a bill entitled an additional supplementary act, to the act
entitled an act for the establishment of religious worship in this
province, according to the church of England, and for the main-
tenance of ministers, indorsed: By the upper house of assembly,
June 1768: Read the first time and ordered to lie on the table

Sign'd by order U. Scott cl: up: ho:

By the upper house of assembly June 1768. Read the second
time, and will pass with the following amendment. In the second
line from the bottom of the last page, after the word "act" insert
the following words viz.t "to take place and effect, on the first day of
March next, and from the said first day of March.

Signed by order U. Scott cl: up: ho

M.r Thomas brings in and delivers to M.r speaker, a bill entitled
an act for building a parish church, and chapel of ease in saint Johns
parish in Queen Anns County: Which is read the first and second
time by especial order, and will pass

The bill entitled an act for the relief of John Macpherson of
Charles County; Read the second time and will pass. Which bills
were sent to the upper house by M.r Thomas and M.r Beall.

The house adjourns 'till 2. o'clock
Post meridiem. The house met according to adjournment

The ingrossed bill entitled an act to give Thomas Harrison fur-
ther time to effect the removal of a nusance in Baltimore town in
Baltimore County; Read and assented to, and sent to the upper
house by M.r Thomas and M.r Beall

M.r Basil Wheeler is appointed a committee clerk. Ordered that
the clerk of this house do acquaint M.r Ghiselin therewith, and
request him to qualify said Wheeler.

M.r William Thomas, a delegate returned for saint Marys County,
appeared in the house. Ordered that M.r Key and M.r Eden do go
with the gentleman to the upper house to see him qualified. They
return and acquaint M.r speaker they saw him qualified in the usual

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 400   View pdf image (33K)
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