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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 397   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 397

the word provided, Leave Out the enacting Qause, begining at
the third Line from the Bottom of the said page, Add, after the
third line in the Last page, provided always that any Slave, com-
mitted as aforesaid shall on the application of the Owner, or Owners
of such slave, or his or her Overseer, or Other person appointed by
him, or her, be delivered, by the Jailer, to the said Owner or
Owners, or his or her Overseer, or Other person appointed by him,
or her, on Affidavit being made before some Justice of the peace
and lodged with the said Jailer, that such slave did not depart and
remain at learge, by and with the Consent and permission of such
Owner or Owners, and also, that before any slave be sold, in any
Instance, that the Owner, or Owners of such Slave, be Summoned
to be, and appear at the Court in which such sale shall be made, in
Order that the Owner or Owners may shew Cause why such slave
should not be sold, And, in any case, wherein it shall appear to the
Justices, on examination of the Owner or Owners, or Otherwise, that
any Slave did notdepart, as aforesaid, or remain at learge, by or with
the consent or permission of the Owner or Owners of such slave, then
such Slave, shall be delivered to the said Owner, or Owners, or his
or their Overseer, or Other person, appointed by him or them,
In the page, instead of the words, "to be applied, as herein
before is Directed ;" insert the following words, Viz. "to be paid
to the Visitors of the free School of that County, for the Use of the
said School, This act to Continue for, and during the Term of
three years and until the end of the next Session of Assembly,
which shall happen after the Expiration of the said three years,
Ordered, That Henry Wilkins be discharged from any further
Attendance, as Clerk to the Committee of this House, M.r Gale
has Leave of Absence
The House adjourns 'til Monday Morning, 8, oClock,

L. H. J.
Liber No, 53
June 18
p. 532

Monday, June

This House met according to Adjournment, The Members were
called, and all appeared as on Saturday, except M.r Hayward, and
Mr Murdock, the proceedings of Saturday were read.
The Bill, entitled an Act to impower Mary Philpot Widow and
Administratrix of Brian Philpot, late of Baltimore Town in Balti-
more County, Merchant, deceased, to sell the Real Estate of her
said Husband, for the payment of the Debts of the said Brian Phil-
pot ; Sent to the Upper House, by Mr Selbey, and Mr Mackall,
The ingrossed Bill, entitled, an Act for turning part of a Street,
called East Street, in the City of Annapolis, and for confirming the
Title of Thomas Jenings, Esq.r of the said City to a Lot of Ground
therein: Read and Assented to, and sent to the upper House, by
the same Gentlemen with the paper bill thereof,

June 20

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 397   View pdf image (33K)
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