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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 396   View pdf image (33K)
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396 Assembly Proceedings, May 24-June 22, 1768.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
June 18

in Kent County, and in Snow Hill Town in Worcester County,
An Act for erecting a Court House and publick prison for Balti-
more County, in the Town of Baltimore, and for making Sale of
the old Court House and prison, An Act to prevent the exporta-
tion of flour, Staves and shingles, not Merchantable from the
Town of Baltimore, in Baltimore County, and to regulate the
weight of Hay, Measure of Grain Salt, flax seed, and firewood,
within the said Town, An Act for the Adjournment and Con-
tinuance of Frederick County Court, An Act confirming to Sped-
ding Bromwell, of Talbot County, Certain Lotts of Land therein
Mentioned, An Act for the Speedy and effectual publication of the
Laws of this province, and for the Encouragement of Anne
Catharine Green, of the City of Annapolis printer,
A Supplementary Act to the Act, entitled, an Act to establish a
Road from Hunting Creek in Dorchester County, to Dover in
Talbot County, Which Bills his Excellency past into Laws, in the
usual manner,
Mr Speaker (with the rest of the members) returned to the
Lower House, and resumed the Chair, the ingrossed Bill, entitled, a
Supplementary Act to the Act, to enable the Visitors of Kent County
School, for the Time being, to Lease out part of the Land belong-
ing to the said School: Read, and assented to; and sent to the
upper House, by M.r Buchannan, and Mr Bordley,
The Bill, entitled, an Act to give Thomas Harrison a farther
time to effect the Removal of a Nuisance, in Baltimore Town, in
Baltimore County: Read the first and second time by especial Order,
and will pass, Sent to the upper House by Mr Thomas, and Mr
The Bill, entitled, An Act to impower Mary Philpot, widow and
Administratrix of Brian Philpot, late of Baltimore Town in Balti-
more County Merchant, deceased, to sell the Real Estate of her
said Husband, for the payment of the Debts of the said Brian
Philpot: Read the first and second time, by an especial Order and
will pass,
Benedict Calvert, Esq.r from the upper House, delivers to Mr
Speaker, the Bill entitled An Act to prevent the evils arising from
the Manumission of Slaves; indorsed "by the Upper House of
Assembly, June 16: 1768 Read the first time and Ordered to lie

Signed by Order. U. Scott, cl, Up, Ho,

By the upper House of Assembly, June 1768 Read the
second time, and will pass, with the annexed Amendments,
Signed by Order, U Scott, cl, up ho,

Leave out the first and second proviso, in the second page, and
the word and, before the third proviso, and the word also, after

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 396   View pdf image (33K)
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