346 Assembly Proceedings, May 24-June 22, 1768.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
May 31
tinuance of Talbot, Baltimore, and Caecil County courts; was read
and assented to, and sent to the upper house with the paper bill by
M.r Hollyday and M.r Bordley
Benedict Calvert esquire from the upper house, delivers to M.r
speaker the paper bill entituled an act for the adjournment and con-
tinuance of Talbot, Baltimore, and Csecil County courts; indorsed
"By the upper house of assembly May 31.st 1768. The ingross'd bill
whereof this is the original, read and assented to.
Sign'd by order U: Scott clk up: ho:
On motion, leave given to bring in a bill, entituled an act for
raising pence sterling for every hogshead of tobacco exported
out of this province for the support of an agent at London, for the
service of this province. Ordered that M.r M Tilghman, M.r Ring-
gold, M.r Hall, and M.r Chase do prepare and bring in the same
The petition of sundry inhabitants of Kent County read the
second time and rejected, for want of that notice being given which
is required by a resolve of this house
The house adjourns 'til to morrow morning 9 o'clock
June 1
Wednesday June 1.st 1768
The house met according to adjournment. The members were
called and all appeared as on yesterday. The proceedings of yesterday
were read.
On motion leave given to bring in a bill to repeal part of an act
of assembly of this province, entitled an act laying an imposition
on negroes, and on several sorts of liquors imported; and also on
Irish servants to prevent the importing too great a number of Irish
papists into this province; and the supplementary act thereto. Or-
dered that M.r Baker and M.r Bordley do prepare and bring in the
Ordered, that M.r Cresap, M.r Smallwood, M.r Ware, M.r Purnel,
and M.r Griffith be a committee to inspect the state and condition of
the arms and ammunition, and make report thereof to the house.
On motion, leave given to bring in a bill, entitled, a supplementary
act to an act entitled an act to establish a Road from Hunting Creek
in Dorchester County to dover in Talbot County. Ordered that M.r
Sullivane, M.r Steele, M.r Hooper and M.r Goldsborough do pre-
pare and bring in the same.
The petition of a number of inhabitants of the County of Caecil,
read the second time, and rejected; it not appearing to the house,
that advertisements have been set up giving notice of their intention
to prefer the said petition, agreeable to the resolve of the lower
house of assembly, in May sessions 1766.
M.r Parker Selbey, a delegate returned for Worcester County;
appeared in the house. Ordered that M.r Allen and M.r Purnel do