All which is submitted to the consideration of the honorable
Sign'd per order John Duckett clk com.
Which is read and ordered to lie on the table.
On reading, the second time by especial order, the bill entituled
an act for the adjournment and continuance of Talbot, Baltimore,
and Caecil County courts: The question was put, whether that part
of the said bill which relates to Baltimore County; be struck out?
Resolved in the negative. The question was then put, whether the
said bill do pass? Resolved in the affirmative.
Ordered that M.r Hayward and M.r Johnson do go to the upper
house with the said bill.
The petition of sundry inhabitants of Baltimore County, read a
second time. Ordered that the same be taken into consideration on
Monday next.
John Beale Bordley esquire from the upper house delivers to M.r
spe'aker the bill, entituled an act for the adjournment and continu-
ance of Talbot, Baltimore, and Caecil County courts indorsed, "By
the upper house of assembly, May 31.st 1768. Read the first and
second time by an especial order, and will pass.
Sign'd by order U. Scott clk up: ho:
Which bill was read here and pass'd for ingrossing.
Also the petition of Robert Henwood of Ann Arundel County;
thus indorsed. May 31.st 1768. Read and referred to the considera-
tion of the lower house of assembly.
Sign'd by order U. Scott clk up: ho:
Which petition was read here the first time and ordered to lie
on the table
The house adjourns till 2 o'clock
Post meridiem. The house met according to adjournment
On motion, leave given to bring in a bill to prevent any obstruc-
tion of the navigation, in the River Potowmack. Ordered that M.r
L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
May 31
Cresap, M.r Johnson, M.r Jennings, M.r Baker, and M.r Chase do
prepare and bring in the same.
On motion leave given, to bring in a bill for the preservation of
the breed of fish in the Rivers Susquehannah and Patuxent. Or-
dered that M.r Baker, M.r Chase, M.r Bordley, M.r Hall and M.r
Tyler do prepare and bring in the same.
The petition of the minister, vestrymen, and churchwardens of
Chester parish, in Kent County, read a second time; and ordered
that the committee appointed to prepare a bill agreeable to the peti-
tion of the inhabitants of Chestertown do include the matters
prayed for in the first mentioned petition, in the said bill.
The ingross'd bill entituled an act for the adjournment and con-
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